Yuen Long Bypass Floodway
Yuen Long Bypass Floodway is constructed to mitigate flooding in Yuen Long Town and its peripheral village areas. It is a 3.8 km long large drainage channel built at the South of Yuen Long Town to intercept 40% of the runoff in the Yuen Long catchment. The intercepted flow is diverted to the downstream of Kam Tin River and then discharged to Deep Bay.
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Yuen Long Bypass Floodway
(Information updated in 2016)Yuen Long Bypass Floodway is constructed to mitigate flooding in Yuen Long Town and its peripheral village areas. It is a 3.8 km long large drainage channel built at the South of Yuen Long Town to intercept 40% of the runoff in the Yuen Long catchment. The intercepted flow is diverted to the downstream of Kam Tin River and then discharged to Deep Bay.
Yuen Long Bypass Floodway

Stream/Channel |
The Bypass Floodway has incorporated a series of environmental designs. Its flow is not carried straightly to the sea but passing through different regimes including bends, shallow ponds and wetland. The channel bottom and slope are covered by different species of herbaceous plants to provide a natural riverbank with aesthetic and ecological value. A system of dry weather flow pumping station and inflatable dam is provided at the downstream end to control the water level of the Bypass Floodway and to prevent polluted water downstream from flowing back into the Bypass Floodway.
Yuen Long Bypass Floodway

Pond/Fish Pond |
Ponds are located in the western part of the area. The ponds are drained and overgrown by weedy vegetation. Low floristic diversity is recorded in these ponds. Dominant vegetation included grass and weedy climbers.
Yuen Long Bypass Floodway

Wooded Area |
Plantations are mainly located at the eastern part with common exotic trees and native trees. The understorey comprises of tree seedlings and exotic herb. Seedlings of other self-sown shrubs are also found.
Yuen Long Bypass Floodway

Developed Area |
Developed area mainly includes Ho Chau Road. Vegetation found within the developed area includes common roadside ornamental species.
Yuen Long Bypass Floodway

Open Field/Wasteland |
A small area of waste ground is located along Ho Chau Road and in the western part of the area. This habitat is dominated by common herbaceous vegetation. Patches of woody plants are found scattered in this habitat.
This website presents the information collected from 2012-2020 in the selected 25 river sections