Ma Tso Lung Stream
Ma Tso Lung Stream is located at Lok Ma Chau. It was channelized in 2010. It flows towards the northwest into Shenzhen River.
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Ma Tso Lung Stream
(Information updated in 2016)
Ma Tso Lung Stream is located at Lok Ma Chau. It was channelized in 2010. It flows towards the northwest into Shenzhen River.
Ma Tso Lung Stream

Stream/Channel |
The majority of the watercourse is channelized with gabion embankment and a short semi-natural section is found at the southwest of Ma Tso Lung Shun Yee San Tsuen. The degree of vegetation colonization on the gabion walls varies along the watercourse, with more wetland herbs and grass recorded in the middle section. Both sides of the embankment of the downstream section are barely vegetated. The upstream, semi-natural section of the watercourse is mainly vegetated by herbs species.
Ma Tso Lung Stream

Pond/Fish Pond |
There are a number of active fish ponds. Pond bunds are mainly vegetated by common grass, herbs and climber. Isolated patches of reed, self-seeded trees and planted fruit tree can also be found on these pond bunds.
Ma Tso Lung Stream

Woodland |
Three small patches of hillside secondary woodland are found along the southern part of the area. These woodland patches are often dominated by trees as overstorey, while common shrubs and small trees are recorded in the understorey. Other common grass, herbs and naturally established tree are also recorded.
Ma Tso Lung Stream

Marsh/Wetland |
The marsh area is mainly abandoned agricultural land. It is dominated by grass, fern and herbs. Weedy climbers are also found creeping on the grassy vegetation in this area.
Ma Tso Lung Stream

Grass Cover |
Grassland is found at the middle section of the stream. Planted trees and naturally established shrub and common herb species are found in this habitat.
Ma Tso Lung Stream

Developed Area |
Developed area includes Ma Tso Lung Shun Yee San Tsuen, roads and a landscaped garden. Common fruit trees are planted in the villages. Ornamental plants are found in the landscaped garden.
This website presents the information collected from 2012-2020 in the selected 25 river sections