Wong Lung Hang Channel
Wong Lung Hang Stream is located at the southern part of the Tung Chung New Town. It originates from the area near Lin Fa Shan and flows from the southeast to the northwest and finally drains into Tung Chung Bay. It is an Ecologically Important Stream. The water quality is also good according to the result of EPD river water quality monitoring programme.
Wong Lung Hang Channel Upstream

If the result is under detection limit, it would be presented as detection limit in the charts.
Dissolved Oxygen - Saturation (% )
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)
Ammonia as N(mg/L)
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) indicates the total amount of oxygen dissolved in the river channel water. DO supports aquatic fauna for respiration and maintenance of life. Dissolved Oxygen Saturation (DO (%)) falling in to 91 – 110% means excellent water quality with dissolved oxygen near or at saturation
Provides indication of anthropogenic pollutants. pH falling into 6.5–8.5 indicating that there is unpolluted surface water supporting most of the aquatic biota.
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) is the measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed to break down organic material in five days by biological processes. High BOD5 level indicates water pollution. BOD5≤3 mg/L indicates excellent water quality
Ammonia-Nitrogen (NH3-N) Indicates the extent of organic contamination of the river channel. NH3-N < 0.5mg/L means that there is limited contamination by nutrient