Ho Pui Channel
Ho Pui Channel is located at Kam Tin, Yuen Long. It was channelized in 2009. It drains water from the Ho Pui area and flows northward into Kam Tin River.
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Ho Pui Channel
(Information updated in 2016)Ho Pui Channel is located at Kam Tin, Yuen Long. It was channelized in 2009. It drains water from the Ho Pui area and flows northward into Kam Tin River.
Ho Pui Channel

Stream/Channel |
The watercourse is concrete-lined with grassed cellular concrete embankments. The channel bottom has only limited colonization of wetland plants. The grassed cellular concrete panels facilitate the colonization of common herbs, grass and self-seeded tree.
Ho Pui Channel

Wooded Area |
The plantation strips are found along Ho Pui Channel, nearby roads and at the northeast area of Kam Sheung Road Station. These strips are mainly planted with ornamental plants.
Ho Pui Channel

Agricultural Land |
A narrow strip of agricultural land is found at the west side of the survey area. It is mainly dominated by common fruit trees.
Ho Pui Channel

Developed Area |
The developed area includes roads and villages adjacent to the West Rail Pat Heung Maintenance Centre. It is dominated by patches of trees, herbs and climbers.
This website presents the information collected from 2012-2020 in the selected 25 river sections