Jordan Valley Channel

Jordan Valley nullah mainly conveys the rainwater collected from the catchment areas in the vicinity of Fei Ngo Shan and Ngau Tau Kok for eventual discharge into the Victoria Harbour. Upon completion of the revitalisation works for the Jordan Valley nullah in 2022, the Jordan Valley channel embodies various design elements of "Rivers in the City", including enhancing biodiversity, greening the existing concrete channel so that it can blend in with the community, increasing public open space and promoting a water-friendly culture through connectivity with the bank of the channel. Members of the public can now admire the view of the landscaped channel in the additional open space provided at the “River Garden” built over the Jordan Valley.

Map of the river
River upstream picture River downstream picture

Click the below photos for upstream and downstream details

River upstream picture River downstream picture

Jordan Valley Channel Upstream


Dissolved Oxygen of UpstreamPH of UpstreamBOD5 of UpstreamNH3-N of UpstreamDissolved Oxygen of downstreamPH of downstreamBOD5 of downstreamNH3-N of downstream

If the result is under detection limit, it would be presented as detection limit in the charts.

Dissolved Oxygen - Saturation (% )


5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)

Ammonia as N(mg/L)

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) indicates the total amount of oxygen dissolved in the river channel water. DO supports aquatic fauna for respiration and maintenance of life. Dissolved Oxygen Saturation (DO (%)) falling in to 91 – 110% means excellent water quality with dissolved oxygen near or at saturation

Provides indication of anthropogenic pollutants. pH falling into 6.5–8.5 indicating that there is unpolluted surface water supporting most of the aquatic biota.

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) is the measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed to break down organic material in five days by biological processes. High BOD5 level indicates water pollution. BOD5≤3 mg/L indicates excellent water quality

Ammonia-Nitrogen (NH3-N) Indicates the extent of organic contamination of the river channel. NH3-N < 0.5mg/L means that there is limited contamination by nutrient
