Ngau Tam Mei Channel
Ngau Tam Mei Channel is located in Yuen Long. It was channelized in 2005. It drains water from the Ngau Tam Mei area and flows into Kam Tin River.
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Ngau Tam Mei Channel
(Information updated in 2016)
Ngau Tam Mei Channel is located in Yuen Long. It was channelized in 2005. It drains water from the Ngau Tam Mei area and flows into Kam Tin River.
Ngau Tam Mei Channel

Stream/Channel |
The main watercourse is channelized with concrete and grassed cellular concrete lining. It has a muddy base and brackish water near estuary and it is influenced by tidal water. A few short tributaries are also identified at the lower section. Wetland herbs and common grass dominate along both sides of the main watercourse.
Ngau Tam Mei Channel

Developed Area |
The developed areaincludes Yau Pok Road and Pok Wai South Road. The vegetation found in this area includes common ornamental species planted along roadside areas.
This website presents the information collected from 2012-2020 in the selected 25 river sections