Wong Lung Hang Channel
Wong Lung Hang Stream is located at the southern part of the Tung Chung New Town. It originates from the area near Lin Fa Shan and flows from the southeast to the northwest and finally drains into Tung Chung Bay. It is an Ecologically Important Stream. The water quality is also good according to the result of EPD river water quality monitoring programme.
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Wong Lung Hang Channel
(Information updated in 2016)Wong Lung Hang Stream is located at the southern part of the Tung Chung New Town. It originates from the area near Lin Fa Shan and flows from the southeast to the northwest and finally drains into Tung Chung Bay. It is an Ecologically Important Stream. The water quality is also good according to the result of EPD river water quality monitoring programme.
Wong Lung Hang Channel

Stream/Channel |
The section from Tei Po New Village to the upper hillside area in Wong Lung Hang is a typical hillside stream with bedrocks and the stream banks are overgrown with dense woody plant community, which includes native trees, shrubs, small trees and climbers. The watercourse at the lower section opposite to Ma Wan New Village is lined with concrete. This section is sparsely covered by herbs.
Wong Lung Hang Channel

Woodland |
Extensive secondary woodland is identified along Wong Lung Hang River and Wong Lung Hang Road. The overstorey of the woodland is dominated by trees. Part of the canopy of the woodland is covered by climbers. The understorey is rich in common shrubby community.
Wong Lung Hang Channel

Shrubland |
There is a hillside shrubland at the southeast of Tei Po New Village. Typical shrubland plants are recorded.
Wong Lung Hang Channel

Wooded Area |
Two small pieces of plantation stand are identified next to the access road at the northern part of the area. This plantation is dominated by exotic trees as the overstorey. Other self-seeded trees and low number of shrubs are also found in this plantation.
Wong Lung Hang Channel

Developed Area |
The developed area includes Ma Wan New Village, Tei Po New Village and the roads. Ornamental plants are planted in this area. Fruit trees are also found inside the villages.
This website presents the information collected from 2012-2020 in the selected 25 river sections