Deep Water Bay Stream
Deep Water Bay Stream is located on Hong Kong Island. It is an Ecologically Important Stream. It runs along the western boundary of Deep Water Bay Golf Course and flows into Deep Water Bay..
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Deep Water Bay Stream
(Information updated in 2016)Deep Water Bay Stream is located on Hong Kong Island. It is an Ecologically Important Stream. It runs along the western boundary of Deep Water Bay Golf Course and flows into Deep Water Bay..
Deep Water Bay Stream

Stream/Channel |
The downstream section are channelized with gabions and masonry embankment. Its upstream section is comparatively natural. Vegetation colonizing the stream bank adjacent to Deep Water Bay Golf Course is common grass and herbs. Floristic diversity recorded along the stream bank next to the woodland edge is higher, with canopy of mature trees overhanging on the stream surface. Common wetland herbs also colonized along the stream.
Deep Water Bay Stream

Woodland |
Almost half of the area consists of a semi-mature secondary woodland located to the south of Deep Water Bay Golf Course. The overstorey of this woodland is dominated by mature trees. The middle and understorey of this woodland are colonized by common small trees and shrubs. Common woody climbers and climbing shrubs are recorded within this secondary woodland.
Deep Water Bay Stream

Developed Area |
Developed area mainly comprises Deep Water Bay Golf Course, Deep Water Bay Road and some residential blocks. This habitat is largely vegetated with planted vegetation, including the extensive turf ground in the golf course and planted palms. The residential blocks located close to the downstream section are colonized with naturally established herbs and potted plants.
This website presents the information collected from 2012-2020 in the selected 25 river sections