Ping Yuen River
Ping Yuen River is located at Ta Kwu Ling. It drains water from the Wo Keng Shan area, and then flows northward into Shenzhen River. It was channelized in year 2006 with approximately half of its length covered by grassed cellular concrete lining. On the embankment, there are grassed cellular concrete panels to improve the aesthetic and the environment.
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Ping Yuen River
(Information updated in 2016)Ping Yuen River is located at Ta Kwu Ling. It drains water from the Wo Keng Shan area, and then flows northward into Shenzhen River. It was channelized in year 2006 with approximately half of its length covered by grassed cellular concrete lining. On the embankment, there are grassed cellular concrete panels to improve the aesthetic and the environment.
Ping Yuen River

Stream/Channel |
The watercourse is channelized with approximately half of its length covered by grassed cellular concrete lining, which is vegetated with grass and tree. Several sections of the channel bed are heavily covered by grass and wetland herbs. Both sides of the river bank of a tributary running through Lei Uk area are lined with gabions. Vegetation growing on these gabions is limited.
Ping Yuen River

Grass Cover |
The grassland area is mainly abandoned agricultural land. It is largely covered by grass, herbs and sometimes with self-seeded trees.
Ping Yuen River

Agricultural Land |
Several small and scattered patches of agricultural lands are identified close to Lei Uk and Ta Kwu Ling Village. Dry crops are cultivated in these small farmlands. Fruit trees are also planted in some of these agricultural lands.
Ping Yuen River

Developed Area |
Developed area includes village houses, roads, bridges, and parts of a pumping station. It is mainly covered by grass, herbs and self-seeded weedy trees.
This website presents the information collected from 2012-2020 in the selected 25 river sections