Pak Ngan Heung Stream
Pak Ngan Heung River is located at Mui Wo, Lantau. It passes through Silvermine Waterfalls and Silvermine Caves. Its drainage improvement works was completed in 2011. It has a natural river bed with gravel and cobbles substrate. Fish ladder is provided to facilitate fish movement.
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Pak Ngan Heung Stream
(Information updated in 2016)Pak Ngan Heung River is located at Mui Wo, Lantau. It passes through Silvermine Waterfalls and Silvermine Caves. Its drainage improvement works was completed in 2011. It has a natural river bed with gravel and cobbles substrate. Fish ladder is provided to facilitate fish movement.
Pak Ngan Heung Stream

Stream/Channel |
Some sections of the watercourse are channelized with gabion and concrete embankments. These sections are largely covered by grass, herbs and climbers. Wetland herbs are also recorded in these sections. Other sections are semi-natural hill stream with cobbles and stones found along the stream. Scattered patches of wetland herbs and herbaceous plant are recorded in the natural stream section. Dense woody plant community, including shrubs and trees, is spotted along the stream banks.
Pak Ngan Heung Stream

Woodland |
Several patches of secondary woodland are found within the area. These woodlands are either hillside woodlands or lowland wooded area. These woodlands usually consist of trees as the overstorey, while their understorey is dominated by shrubs, small trees and woody climbers.
Pak Ngan Heung Stream

Marsh/Wetland |
The marsh area is mainly abandoned agricultural land and it is largely covered by grass and other common wetland herbs and ferns. A few isolated shrubs have established in this marshy area and partly covered by climbers.
Pak Ngan Heung Stream

Grass Cover |
The grassland area is mainly abandoned agricultural land. It is usually covered by grass, herbs and climbers. A patch of seasonally wet grassland is observed dominated by grass and herbs. In Winter, this area is often dry.
Pak Ngan Heung Stream

Agricultural Land |
Several agricultural lands scatter within the area. These lands support dry agricultural activities. Fruit trees and common crops are observed in these agricultural lands.
Pak Ngan Heung Stream

Developed Area |
Developed area mainly comprises villages and roads. Fruit trees are commonly planted in the villages, and ornamental trees are planted along the access road. Naturally established herb species and climbers are recorded in this highly disturbed habitat.
Pak Ngan Heung Stream

Open Field/Wasteland |
Waste ground is found at the east of Sung Lung Wai, near the village houses. Part of this habitat is concrete-based. This area is dominated by common herbs and grass. Invasive climber is identified. Small group of fruit trees is planted at the fringe of the waste ground.
This website presents the information collected from 2012-2020 in the selected 25 river sections