
Issue 9 (May 2018)

Issue 9
(May 2018)
PDF Version

Issue 8 (January 2018)

Issue 8
(January 2018)
PDF Version

Issue 7 (August 2017)

Issue 7
(August 2017)
PDF Version

Issue 6 (January 2017)

Issue 6
(January 2017)
PDF Version

Issue 5 (April 2016)

Issue 5
(April 2016)
PDF Version

Issue 4 (December 2015)

Issue 4
(December 2015)
PDF Version

Issue 3 (June 2015)

Issue 3
(June 2015)
PDF Version

Issue 2 (November 2014)

Issue 2
(November 2014)
PDF Version

Issue 1 (July 2014)

Issue 1
(July 2014)
PDF Version

Other Activities

Site visit with the delegation of the Government of South Australia

The delegation of the Government of South Australia visited Kai Tak River Improvement Works on 21st July 2018.

The delegation of the Government of South Australia visited Kai Tak River Improvement Works on 21st July 2018.


Site visit with Secretary for Transport and Housing

The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Chan Fan visited Kai Tak River Improvement Works on 17th July 2018.

The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Chan Fan visited Kai Tak River Improvement Works on 17th July 2018.


HKIE Technical Seminar

We participated HKIE Technical Seminar and presented Kai Tak River Improvement Works to the Engineers on 28th June 2018.

We participated HKIE Technical Seminar and presented Kai Tak River Improvement Works to the Engineers on 28th June 2018.


Site visit with CLAP for youth@JC

CLAP for Youth@JC visited Kai Tak River on 29th March 2018.

CLAP for Youth@JC visited Kai Tak River on 29th March 2018.


DSD Annual Media Briefing 2018

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) held the Annual Media Briefing (the Briefing) on 27 March to brief the media the latest situation on DSD’s flood prevention and sewage treatment and lead a visit to the Kai Tak River Improvement Works after the Briefing.

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) held the Annual Media Briefing (the Briefing) on 27 March to brief the media the latest situation on DSD’s flood prevention and sewage treatment and lead a visit to the Kai Tak River Improvement Works after the Briefing.


Site Visit with WTSDC

Wong Tai Sin District Council Members visited Kai Tak River improvement projects on 12th February 2018. The progress of the works was presented in the site visit.

Wong Tai Sin District Council Members visited Kai Tak River improvement projects on 12th February 2018. The progress of the works was presented in the site visit.


Site Visit with Shenzhen Water Resources Bureau

The delegation of Shenzhen Water Resources Bureau visited Kai Tak River Improvement Works on 10th November 2017.

The delegation of Shenzhen Water Resources Bureau visited Kai Tak River Improvement Works on 10th November 2017.


Site visit with Chief Secretary for Administration

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheung Kin-chung visited Kai Tak River Improvement Works on 27th September 2018.

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheung Kin-chung visited Kai Tak River Improvement Works on 27th September 2018.


Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event

In order to let the public to participate in the Kai Tak River improvement project and to enhance their sense of belonging to the project, Drainage Services Department held the “Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event” on 3rd April 2017 at Morse Park (Park No.1) adjoining Kai Tak River. Around 50 participants attended this planting event, including teacher and students from S.K.H. Kei Tak Primary School, Wong Tai Sin District Councilors and the Kai Tak River project team. Everyone enjoyed the weather and the event on that day!

Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event

Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event

Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event


Open Days of Drainage Services Department

Open Days of the Drainage Services Department (DSD) were held at Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works on 15th and 16th of October 2016. The site team took part in this event to introduce details of the Kai Tak River improvement projects to the public through display panels, model exhibition and game booths.

Open Days of Drainage Services Department

Open Days of Drainage Services Department

Open Days of Drainage Services Department

Site Visit to Kai Tak River Improvement Projects with Wong Tai Sin District Council Members

Some of the Wong Tai Sin District Council Members visited Kai Tak River improvement projects on 22 April 2016. The progress of works of the Kai Tak River improvement projects and the proposed plan of Morse Park (Park No.1) improvement works were presented in the site visit.

Site Visit to Kai Tak River Improvement Projects with Wong Tai Sin District Council Members

Site Visit to Kai Tak River Improvement Projects with Wong Tai Sin District Council Members

Site Visit to Kai Tak River Improvement Projects with Wong Tai Sin District Council Members

“Building our Kai Tak River” Writing Competition 2015

The “Building our Kai Tak River” Writing Competition 2015, jointly organized by DSD and the Consultants and the Contractors of the Kai Tak River improvement projects, was concluded successfully. Under the theme of “Our Kai Tak River”, the competition has received a total of 85 entries from 4 primary schools and 4 secondary schools respectively in Wong Tai Sin District. The Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 2 July 2015 at Kowloon Walled City Community Hall. The then Assistant Director/Projects and Development of DSD, Mr. CHENG Hung-leung, delivered the welcoming speech. The then Chairman of Wong Tai Sin District Council , Mr. LI Tak-hong, also attended as a guest and presented the prizes at the ceremony.

“Building our Kai Tak River” Writing Competition 2015

“Building our Kai Tak River” Writing Competition 2015

Site Visit to Kai Tak River Improvement Projects with Engineering Assocaitions

Members of Engineers Australia, Hong Kong Chapter, and the Hong Kong Institutions of Engineers visited Kai Tak River improvement projects in November 2014, March 2015, March 2016 and January 2017.

Site Visit to Kai Tak River Improvement Projects with Engineering Assocaitions

Site Visit to Kai Tak River Improvement Projects with Engineering Assocaitions

Site Visit to Kai Tak River Improvement Projects with Engineering Assocaitions

DSD 25th anniversary Activity

To celebrate DSD’s 25th anniversary, a series of public guided tours were organized, including site visits on 15 August 2014 and 20 September 2014.

DSD 25th anniversary Activity

Seminar in Ho Lap College

We held a seminar for Ho Lap College which was located at San Po Kong Tseuk Luk Street on 26 March 2014. The seminar introduced the Kai Tak River improvement projects through videos and PowerPoint slides. It drew enthusiastic participation from the principal and teachers.

Seminar in Ho Lap College

Build Our Kai Tak River Coloring Competition

In May 2013, DSD, Consultant and the Contractor jointly held a coloring competition to encourage young children to color the new Kai Tak River. The competition had successfully promoted our projects and had built up the image of DSD. Some Wong Tai Sin District Council members were invited to be the judges as well as being the prize presenters of the competition.
Prize Presentation Ceremony for Buddhist Foo Hong Kindergarten was held on 12 July 2013

Build Our Kai Tak River Coloring Competition

Build Our Kai Tak River Coloring Competition

Prize Presentation Ceremony for HK and Macau Lutheran Church Shek On Memory Kindergarten was held on 2 July 2013

Prize Presentation Ceremony for HK and Macau Lutheran Church Shek On Memory Kindergarten was held on 2 July 2013

Prize Presentation Ceremony for HK and Macau Lutheran Church Shek On Memory Kindergarten was held on 2 July 2013

Seminar in Canossa Primary School

We visited Canossa Primary school which was located at Wong Tai Sin Chun Yan Street to introduce Kai Tak River improvement projects on 18 December 2012. The seminar introduced the Kai Tak River improvement projects through videos and PowerPoint slides. The student actively participated in the question and answer session. The students had gained valuable knowledge on Kai Tak River Improvement projects through this seminar.

Seminar in Canossa Primary School

Seminar in Canossa Primary School

Seminar in Kei Tak Primary School

We visited Kei Tak Primary school which was located at Wong Tai Sin Tai Shing Street to introduce Kai Tak River projects on 11 December 2012. The seminar introduced the Kai Tak River improvement projects through videos and PowerPoint slides. The student actively participated in the question and answer session. The students had gained valuable knowledge on Kai Tak River Improvement projects through this seminar.

Seminar in Kei Tak Primary School

Seminar in Kei Tak Primary School

Commencement Ceremony

The then Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam officiated at the commencement ceremony for the Kai Tak River improvement works at Morse Park in morning on 26 March 2012. She said that the Drainage Services Department had initiated the "Building our Kai Tak River" public engagement activities in 2010 and 2011 to gather public opinions on ways to improve Kai Tak River. The department also consulted and adopted the comments of the Wong Tai Sin District Council and relevant parties regarding the construction design, beautification works and ecological conservation.

"The Kai Tak River improvement works fully reflect the policy objective of serving the community. By undertaking this project, we hope to strengthen the integration between Wong Tai Sin District and the Kai Tak Development Area. While preserving historic monuments along the river, we expect the project will improve the surrounding environment with enhanced community facilities for the residents," she said.

Also officiating at the ceremony was the then Director of Drainage Services, Mr Chan Chi-chiu. He said that there would be three stages in the project. The first stage would be to reconstruct and rehabilitate an approximately 600-meter-long upstream section of Kai Tak River from Po Kong Village Road to Tung Kwong Road. The works were scheduled for completion in 2017 and the estimated cost is about $1.6 billion. The project would improve the river's drainage capacity through deepening the river, constructing underground box culverts, and relocating water mains and sewers. Also, the leisure space and landscape beautification facilities will be upgraded, transforming the river into an attractive green river corridor.

Improvement works for the midstream and lower-stream sections of the river would commence in 2013. The project as a whole was expected to be completed in 2018. The Kai Tak River improvement works would be carried out in line with the Kai Tai Development Area Project, with particular focus on the landscaping and beautification works. The new river corridor will become a popular leisure attraction, offering a great place for recreation, entertainment, education, community art creation and more. The improved river would serve as a unique urban landscape axis merging the surrounding old districts with new developments in the Kai Tak Development Area.

Other guests officiating at the ceremony included the then Wong Tai Sin District Council Chairman, Mr Li Tak-hong, and the Convenor of the Community Alliance on Kai Tak Development, Ms Chan Yuen-han.
The completed Kai Tak River would become a new attraction spot for leisure and tourism, which echos with initiative of for the "Energizing Kowloon East" project.

Commencement Ceremony

Commencement Ceremony

Community Services & Facilities

Publicity boards

Publicity boards were installed at suitable places along Kai Tak River for presenting the background and progress of works of the Kai Tak River improvement projects.

Publicity boards

Publicity boards

Distribution of Red Packets

To celebrate the Year of Ram, Year of Monkey & and Year of Rooster, we distributed red packets to nearby residents in February 2015, January 2016 and January 2017 respectively.

Distribution of Red Packets

Distribution of Red Packets

Distribution of Red Packets

D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshop

We jointly held D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshops with Wong Tai Sin District Council Members. We also presented the background and progress of works of the Kai Tak River improvement projects.

D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshop

D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshop

D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshop

D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshop

Artistic Hoarding

Artistic hoardings were installed at the following locations:

Location: Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate

Location: Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate

Location: Southbound of Choi Hung Road

Location: Southbound of Choi Hung Road

Location: Wong Tai Sin Police Station

Location: Wong Tai Sin Police Station

Location: Choi Hung Road

Location: Choi Hung Road

Location: Tung Wui Estate

Location: Tung Wui Estate

Location: Yuk Kwan Street

Location: Yuk Kwan Street

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