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Drainage Services Department

Drainage Services Department ("the Department") is concerned to ensure that all personal data submitted through this website are handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PD(P)O).

For different purposes and at different times, you may be invited to provide personal data to the Department through this website on a voluntary basis. Personal information may include name, organisation name, telephone number, mailing address or e-mail address. The Department will specify the collection purpose and intended usage of your data when it invites you to provide such information. Under the PD(P)O, you have the right to request access to or correction of the personal data provided. Such requests should be made in the Data Access Request Form (No.OPS003 issued by the Privacy Commissioner) and sent to us by mail to the Data Protection Officer, 43/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. By virtue of Section 20(3)(e) of the PD(P)O, a data access request may be refused if it is not made in this Form.

Unless permitted or required by law, the Department will not disclose your personal data to any third parties without your prior consent.

The Government will record visits to this website without collecting any personal identifiable information of users. Such general information is only collected for the compilation of statistical reports and the diagnosis of problems with or concerning computer systems to help improve this website.


The search service on dsd.gov.hk is provided by an independent contractor of the Government. We are advised by the independent contractor that it does not collect personal identifiable information while serving search results through dsd.gov.hk. The independent contractor will share the anonymous data it collects through the search service with the Government for compiling traffic analysis on government websites. The Government will not match the data obtained from any such search activity with any personal data possibly held by the Government.

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