In order to improve the drainage capacity of Kai Tak River and to mitigate flooding risk to surrounding areas, the Drainage Services Department is carrying out improvement works at the upstream and midstream sections of Kai Tak River. The improvement works at these sections of the River commenced in October 2011 and December 2013 respectively, the essential drainage improvement works are anticipated to be completed by end 2017, and the remaining works, including the reconstruction of Choi Hung Road, will be completed in 2018. 

This Newsletter provides you with information on latest progress of the main construction works, recent public engagemenet activities and other relevant information of the projects.

Updated News

Measures against Hazardous Weather 

Before the wet season, we implemented a number of flood preventive measures, including cleansing of the gullies, raising and securing water-filled barriers and providing sand bags to nearby shops. About 360m long newly constructed box culvert was also commissioned to increase the drainage capacity of Kai Tak River for the onset of wet season. 

Upon the issuance of red rainstorm warning signal by Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), our Emergency Team would standby on site and provide assistance if necessary. On 24 May 2017, HKO issued the first black rainstorm warning signal in 2017, however there was no flooding reported at Choi Hung Road as in the past. It demonstrated the effectiveness of the number of flood preventive measures.

Cleansing of the gullies

Cleansing of the gullies

Flooding Alert Message

Flooding Alert Message

Emergency Team

Emergency Team

Provision of sand bags

Provision of sand bags

Raise and secure water-filled barriers

Raise and secure water-filled barriers

Keeping tidiness of site

Keeping tidiness of site

Work Progress

Construction of Box Culvert

We have completed the construction of the box culvert underneath Choi Hung Road across Shatin Pass Road. For construction of the remaining box culvert across Shatin Pass Road, we have implemented a new temporary traffic arrangement on 11th June 2017 and started dismantling part of the temporary vehicular bridge built for the construction of aforesaid sections of box culvert. 

Together with the completed box culvert underneath Choi Hung Road and those near the Morse Park (Park No.1), about 360m long box culvert from the Wong Tai Sin Police Station to the Morse Park (Park No.1) was commissioned before this wet season. The construction of remaining 60m long box culvert was in full progress.

Together with the completed box culvert underneath Choi Hung Road and those near the Morse Park (Park No.1), about 360m long box culvert from the Wong Tai Sin Police Station to the Morse Park (Park No.1) was commissioned before this wet season. The construction of remaining 60m long box culvert was in full progress.

River Deepening Works

More than half of the river deepening works of Kai Tak River was completed. The works for the river section between Tung Tai Lane and Prince Edward Road East was completed, the works for the river section adjacent to Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate was substantially completed and the works for the river section alongside the Morse Park (Park No.1) is ongoing.

More than half of the river deepening works of Kai Tak River was completed. The works for the river section between Tung Tai Lane and Prince Edward Road East was completed, the works for the river section adjacent to Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate was substantially completed and the works for the river section alongside the Morse Park (Park No.1) is ongoing.

River deepening works outside Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate was substantially completed

River deepening works outside Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate was substantially completed

River deepening works from Tung Tai Lane to Prince Edward Road East was completed

River deepening works from Tung Tai Lane to Prince Edward Road East was completed

Morse Park (Park No. 1)

The progress of beautification and improvement works in Morse Park (Park No.1) is satisfactory. The said works will be completed in phases by end 2017 tentatively.

Resurfacing works of jogging track was successfully completed and the jogging track has been reopened to the public.

Resurfacing works of jogging track was successfully completed and the jogging track has been reopened to the public.

Timber deck construction works is in progress.

Timber deck construction works is in progress.

Water feature construction works is in progress

Water feature construction works is in progress

Greening and Landscaping Element

We will adopt suitable ecological elements of natural river in the design of Kai Tak River to improve microhabitats and promote biodiversity. Fish shelters were added at the sides of river bed and flow deflectors formed by artificial rocks were added at suitable locations to induce variations in river flow direction and velocity. These measures can provide refuge for fish in strong river flow, which enables the sustainable development of Kai Tak River.

Fish shelters

Fish shelters

Flow deflectors

Flow deflectors

We found birds standing on the artificial rocks in the river.

We found birds standing on the artificial rocks in the river.

Public Relation

We continue to maintain close relationship with the public and local stakeholders to keep them abreast of information about the projects.

Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event

In order to let the public to participate in the Kai Tak River improvement project and to enhance their sense of belonging to the project, the Drainage Services Department held the "Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event" on 3rd April 2017 at Morse Park (Park No.1) adjoining Kai Tak River. Around 50 participants attended this planting event, including teacher and students from S.K.H. Kei Tak Primary School, Wong Tai Sin District Councilors and the Kai Tak River project team.

 Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event

Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event

Revitalisation of Kai Tak River - Community Planting Event

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