Drainage Services Department

The Government has launched the e-Form project to provide the public with greater convenience in electronic submissions to the Government. Apart from downloading conventional forms and submitting them in paper form, you may now choose to download the electronic form which facilitates you to fill-in and submit Government forms electronically. Please visit [https://www.gov.hk/en/residents/forms] to obtain more information about other Government forms.

Most of the Forms in this web page are in MS Word and Acrobat PDF formats (including fillable PDF format). For the fillable PDF form(s), you can download and fill in the form by using the latest version of Acrobat Reader and print or save it right after the completion.

Please submit the filled form according to the accepted means of submission. To protect your personal data, please use email service which provides Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) over Transport Layer Security (TLS) to send this e-form if you choose to use email to submit the form. This security setting is used by popular email service providers such as Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo email. If you have queries whether other email account will use the SMTP over TLS for sending the e-form, please check with the email service provider.


Access to Information

Form Title Download Form Means of Submission
Application for Access to Information Fillable PDF Format By post, fax or email
Application for Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Data Access Request Form Link to Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data Hong Kong Homepage (Form OPS003) By post, fax or email


Drainage Connection

Form Title Download Form Means of Submission
Helping Business Programme Form "HBP1"(Bilingual) - Application for Technical Audit of  Drainage / Water Supply Connection Works carried out by a Member of the Public Link to Works Branch Development Bureau Homepage By post, in person or via third party to relevant office
Form DSD25 - Application for Drainage Connections MS Word Format By post, fax, in person or via third party to relevant office


Sewage Services Charging Scheme

Form Title Download Form Means of Submission
Standard Request Form for matters relating to Sewage Connection Status and Sewage Charge (SC) Fillable PDF Format By email, post, fax or in person
Application Form for Change of Business Classification Fillable PDF Format By email, post, fax or in person
Application form for revision on discharge factor/COD values Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person
Application form for reassessment of chemical oxygen demand (COD) values in trade effluent Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person
Letter of undertaking Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person
Declaration of kitchen practice for restaurant and food factory Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person
Declaration of proposed cleaning frequency and date(s) for central grease trap(s) (CGT) Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person
Declaration of use of strainers at drainage outlets and surface channels Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person
Declaration of use of sponges at drainage outlets and surface channels Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person
Declaration of giving up effective period of previously revised TES rate Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person
Grease trap waste disposal record Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By email, post, fax or in person


Visit to DSD Facilities

Form Title Download Form Means of Submission
Individual Visit Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By fax or email
Group Visit Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By fax or email
Visit to DSD Facilities Application Form Web-Form By online submission
Outreach Educational Programme Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
By fax or email



Form Title Download Form Means of Submission
Application for Location Filming Fillable PDF Format By email
Form LDO 1 - Land Drainage Ordinance (Chapter 446) Notice of Appeal under Section 28(1) Fillable PDF Format

Notes on Application
In person or By registered mail
Application for admission to list of Contractors for Minor Engineering Works in Sewage Treatment Facilities Fillable PDF Format (English Version Only) By post

Application Form for Inclusion in the Drainage Services Department Suppliers List (For Goods and General Services)

For information about other departments which maintain supplier lists, please click the hyperlink to make reference to the "List Table of Government Departments Which Maintain Supplier Lists for Commonly Used Goods and Services" on the website of the Government Logistics Department.

Fillable PDF Format

List Table of Government Departments Which Maintain Supplier Lists for Commonly Used Goods and Services

By post, fax or email

Application for Inclusion in Operations and Maintenance Branch Service Provider List

Fillable PDF Format
(English Version Only)

Notes on Application
(English Version Only)

By post
Application form for Domestic Liquid Waste Disposal Permission Fillable PDF Format (support e-Signature) In person, by post or email
Trip-Ticket for Domestic Liquid Waste Disposal PDF Format In person
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