Welcome to the Homepage of the Drainage Services Department (DSD).
Our vision is to provide world-class wastewater and stormwater drainage services enabling the sustainable development of Hong Kong. Since its inception in September 1989, the DSD has been striving to upgrade sewage treatment and flood protection levels in Hong Kong. Over the years, we have made some achievements. The completed projects such as the Regulation of Shenzhen River Stage IV, the Enhancement Works for Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station, the Inter-reservoirs Transfer Scheme and the Revitalisation Works of the Jordan Valley Nullah are examples of our encouraging achievements in recent years. Moreover, upon completion of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A in 2015, the water quality of Victoria Harbour had greatly improved.
In future, we will continue implementing various large-scale projects to raise the flood protection level and increase the sewage treatment capacity of various districts, so as to lower the flood risks and improve hygiene conditions in the areas concerned. This will also help tackle the challenges brought by climate change and meet the latest development needs of communities. The upcoming projects include the Drainage Improvement Works in Tsim Sha Tsui, the Sau Nga Road Stormwater Storage Scheme, Drainage Improvement Schemes in multiple districts, the Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns and the Shek Wu Hui Effluent Polishing Plant. Moreover, we commit to adopting smart and innovative technology to increase work efficiency and enhance occupational safety of our facilities and construction sites. For instance, Remote Flood Control Device monitors real-time data on water and tidal levels while a wide range of robots and machinery assist in drainage and sewerage-related works. In implementing our projects, we not only take into consideration various factors such as ecology conservation, integration of projects with the environment, and public concerns, but also strive to promote the concept of “blue-green infrastructure”, “revitalisation of water bodies”and “sustainable development” in Hong Kong.
As our works being carried out in public areas may cause inconvenience to members of the public, we will do our best to minimise the impacts of our works. Public support and tolerance for our work is crucial for continuous improvement of our services.
On our website, you can find information about the DSD and have a better understanding of our work. You are most welcome to share your views with us via e-mail (enquiry@dsd.gov.hk).

Mr. MOK Wing-cheong,
Ringo, JP
Director of
Drainage Services