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Decoration IconDrainage Hotline 2300 1110

Drainage Services Department

The three divisions, namely Hong Kong & Islands, Mainland South and Mainland North, of the Operation and Maintenance Branch maintain the record of existing public sewerage and stormwater drainage systems in the Territory. These drainage records are to be updated continuously according to the as-built drawings of drainage infrastructures. However, it should be noted that the alignments and levels of drains shown on records are subject to verification on site and it is not guaranteed that all the drains have been included in the drainage record plans.

Drainage record plans are available for public inspection free of charge at the Drawing Offices at the address below:

Drawing Office Hong Kong & Islands Division Drawing Office
Address 23/F, 1063 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone number 3101 2919
Fax number 3101 0716


Drawing Office Mainland North & Mainland South Divisions Drawing Office
Address 13/F., Kowloon Government Offices, 405 Nathan Road, Kowloon
Telephone number 2300 1422
Fax number 2770 4761

The drainage record plans will be levied at the following prices:

Format Price
Large format photocopying black and white on 841mm x 1000mm or smaller paper
(Color copy and enlarging/reducing services are not available)
HK$84.00 per copy (including searching fee)
Part print photocopying black and white of drainage record plans only on A3 and A4 size paper
(Color copy and enlarging/reducing services are not available)

HK$1.50 per page(for A4 size)(Note);

HK$1.60 per page(for A3 size)(Note); AND

HK$7.30 as searching fee per sheet of A3 or A4

(Note) Photocopying made on both sides of a sheet is counted as two pages.

The above charge is subject to revision from time to time.

Drainage record plans can be given to all Government Departments and utilities undertakers on request.

Consultants for Government projects can request for drainage record plans for information and reference but their request must be endorsed by their respective client departments.

The private developers, their Authorised Persons and consultants may want to obtain the existing drainage information associated with their proposed development. In this circumstance, they can send representatives, together with bearer letters, to the drawing office of the respective O&M Divisions of DSD to inspect the relevant drainage record plans currently available. After inspection, the drainage record plans could be purchased at prices given above. Sample content of a bearer letter is given below:

Dear Sirs,

We should be grateful if you would allow the bearer of this letter, XXXXXX, to inspect the relevant drainage record plans in the vicinity of the captioned development.

Thank you for your attention.

Please note that drainage information is now available in the GeoInfo Map services of the Lands Department (https://www.map.gov.hk/gm/?lg=en). Please refer to the Quick Reference Guide of the system for the operation.

Legend for Drainage Record Plans

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