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Decoration IconDrainage Hotline 2300 1110

Our flood prevention strategy was formulated with due consideration of the characteristics of various drainage catchments, the performance of drainage systems, and factors which would affect flooding risk.

Our adopted strategy is a comprehensive approach to tackle flooding risk from various fronts, from technical to management needs, and from short-term to long-term needs.  It involves the following main features:

  • Setting up of Flood Protection Standards which are comparable to major overseas cities and appropriate for the Hong Kong situation for new drainage works and for gradual improvement on existing drainage systems;
  • Carrying out comprehensive studies to identify new drainage works and improvement on existing drainage systems;
  • Carrying out the identified new works and improvement works and to bring their capacities in line with the Flood Protection Standards as far as practicable;
  • Setting up of Drainage Authority under the Land Drainage Ordinance to be given legal power to protect major water courses in particular for those parts within private lots;
  • Addressing the drainage impacts brought by new developments; and
  • Carrying out comprehensive preventive maintenance of the stormwater drainage system to ensure their proper functioning.
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