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With a view to harmonizing the works with the surrounding and to preserve the natural habitat, we have incorporated various environmentally friendly designs, including: 

  • Grasscreting and extensive vegetation along channel embankment to enhance aesthetic value and diversity of micro-habitats;
  • Using gabions and geo-fabric reinforced grass lining to stabilize side slopes;
  • Utilizing unlined channel beds to enable colonization of flora and fauna;
  • Creating unlined embankment, if possible, to facilitate vegetation; Retaining meanders;
  • Creating shallow ponds as aquatic planting bays to allow freshwater fish, amphibians and water birds to thrive; and
  • Creating wetland habitats and reed beds to flourish diversified wildlife.
  • Providing flow deflector, in-stream refugia and fish ladder to enhance the habitat complexity and thus ecology of the river

These efforts have culminated into large tracts of green banks, rich reed ponds, preserved meanders, and mangrove habitat over years.
Mangrove created along the bank of Kam Tin River provides compatibility and integrator with the environment

Mangrove created along the bank of Kam Tin River provides compatibility and integrates with the environment

Reed pond in San Tin creates valuable wetland habitat that benefits migratory birds and enriches local ecology

Reed pond in San Tin creates valuable wetland habitat that benefits migratory birds and enriches
local ecology

Mangrove at the estuary of Shan Pui River  Mangrove at the estuary of Shan Pui River

Mangrove at the estuary of Shan Pui River

Birds find home at Kam Tin River and Shan Pui River Birds find home at Kam Tin River and Shan Pui River

Birds find home at Kam Tin River and Shan Pui River

Great egrets at a preserved meander in Kam Tin River

Great egrets at a preserved meander in Kam Tin River

Flow deflectors are provided along Ho Chung River to alter flow direction and velocity downstream thus providing a variety of habitat/refugia.

Flow deflectors are provided along Ho Chung River to alter
flow direction and velocity downstream thus providing a variety
of habitat/refugia.

In-stream refugia are provided at Ho Chung River for providing shelters for fishes, inverterbrates and other aqautic animals when the flow at the River is fast

In-stream refugia are provided at Ho Chung River for
providing shelters for fishes, inverterbrates and other aqautic
animals when the flow at the River is fast

A new fish ladder design at Ho Chung River enabling passage of fishes across the fung shui weir.

A new fish ladder design at Ho Chung River enabling passage of fishes across the fung shui weir.

Green banks and preserved meanders in Upper Ng Tung River after training works

Green banks and preserved meanders in
Upper Ng Tung River after training works

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