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Decoration IconDrainage Hotline 2300 1110

Drainage Services Department

PWP No. 4445DS

Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns – main caverns construction and upstream sewerage works

Project Scope

The project scope includes:

  1. main caverns construction
    1. construction of a main caverns complex at Nui Po Shan of about 14 hectares in area and about 2.3 million cubic metres in total volume for accommodating the sewage treatment facilities in the remaining stage of the Project;
    2. construction of about 260 metres (m) long secondary access tunnel  to connect the main caverns complex and Mui Tsz Lam Road;
    3. construction of a ventilation shaft of about 70 m deep, and a ventilation adit of about 660 m long to connect the ventilation shaft and the main caverns complex;
    4. construction of two effluent discharge pipes of about 2.2 m in diameter and about 320 m long to connect the relocated STSTW in caverns (the relocated sewage treatment works to be named “Sha Tin Cavern Sewage Treatment Works” and hereinafter referred to as “the cavern STSTW”) to the existing effluent discharge tunnel; and
    5. site formation works at the secondary access tunnel portal areas , including natural terrain hazard mitigation measures and construction of the relevant retaining structures;
  2. upstream sewerage works
    1. construction of a new intermediate sewage pumping station (ISPS)  at the south-western edge of the existing STSTW;
    2. construction of rising mains of about 4.6 kilometres (km) in total length with diameters ranging from 0.8 m to 1.2 m connecting the existing Sha Tin Main Sewage Pumping Station (STMSPS), the new ISPS and the main access tunnel portal area; and
    3. modification of six sewage pumping stations (SPS) currently serving the Sha Tin and Ma On Shan areas, including STMSPS, A Kung Kok SPS, Ma On Shan SPS, Kau To Area 56A SPS, Chinese University SPS, Pak Shek Kok No. 3 SPS, and other related upstream sewerage facilities; 
  3. other related works ; and
  4. implementation of environmental mitigation measures and related environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) programme for the works mentioned above.
Major Improvements and Benefits

Relocating Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to caverns will release the existing site of about 28 hectares for housing and other uses that will enhance our living quality and will bring extended benefits to the community and environment of Sha Tin.


AECOM Asia Company Limited


DC/2020/05 - China State – Alchmex Joint Venture (China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited – Alchmex International Construction Limited Joint Venture)

DC/2021/07 - Build King Civil Engineering Limited

DC/2023/12 - China State – Alchmex Joint Venture (China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited – Alchmex International Construction Limited Joint Venture)

Contract No.
DC/2020/05, DC/2021/07, DC/2023/12
Project Commencement Date
5 July 2021
Project Completion Date
End 2031
Project estimate

$14,076.5 million

Controlling Division
Cavern Projects Division
Sewerage and sewage treatment
Sha Tin
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