Upgrading of Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works
Upgrading of the existing Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works (KTPTW) through the construction of additional facilities and upgrading of existing facilities to increase its treatment capacity. The scope of the project comprises upgrading of the inlet screw pumping system; provision of an additional grit removal system and associated grit handling facility, and deodorisation system for the new system and facility; construction of new grit building and odour control room; modification of the existing influent channel and construction of a new influent channel; re-provision of an emergency seawall bypass; provision of architectural and landscaping modification works for the existing KTPTW; and other ancillary works
To increase the sewage treatment capacity of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works to cater for the increase in sewage flow
Binnies Hong Kong Limited
Chevalier–CPC Joint Venture
$349.9 million