Relocation Arrangement

In the Stage 1 PE, there were comments that any further development should provide community facilities. Upon further study, it is proposed to relocate the SmTSTW together with the adjoining CLP substation to cavern. This can optimise the use of cavern, release more land and hence increase the flexibility and development potential of land use design.

The proposed relocation site is located at the hillside between Castle Peak Road - Sham Tseng and Tuen Mun Road. Works will include excavation of cavern, construction of sewage treatment works and CLP substation (if applicable) within the cavern, access tunnels and emergency access portals.

The new sewage treatment works will be equipped with a sewage treatment capacity of 24,000m3/day, with waste water treatment level upgraded to Level II. Based on preliminary ground investigation and desk-top research, the proposed relocation site is considered suitable for cavern development. Further study will be conducted in the next stage.

Proposed Relocation Arrangement

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