The "Relocation of Sham Tseng Sewage Treatment Works (SmTSTW) to Caverns – Feasibility Study" is an extension of the following two previous studies that had explored the feasibility of relocating existing facilities into rock caverns.
Enhanced Use of Underground Space in Hong Kong – Feasibility Study
The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) launched this study in 2009 to examine the opportunities for underground space development in Hong Kong, and had concluded in 2011 that some 64% of the land area in Hong Kong is suitable for large-scale cavern development, and that some 400 government facilities had potential for relocation to rock caverns.

Enhancing Land Supply Strategy – Reclamation outside Victoria Harbour and Rock Cavern Development
Subsequently, CEDD launched this study in 2011 and brought forward the findings from the last study and rock cavern development formed part of the "six-pronged approach" to enhance land supply:
- Rezoning Land
- Rock Cavern Development
- Reclamation outside Victoria Harbour
- Land Resumption
- Reuse of Ex-quarry Sites
- Redevelopment

During the Stage 1 Public Engagement (PE) of this study from November 2011 to March 2012, the public views broadly support rock cavern development as a way to enhance land supply. Based on the site selection criteria confirmed from the Stage 1 PE, SmTSTW was one of the three sites selected as pilot schemes for rock cavern development.
At the Stage 2 PE from March 2013 to June 2013, public feedbacks on the relocation of SmTSTW into caverns and the release of land for alternative use were generally supportive.
These land uses for the released site received most support from the public:
Residential Development
Public Parks
Recreational or Leisure Facilities
Major concerns on the pilot scheme:
- Transportation
- Engineering Feasibility
- Ecological Conservation Issues
- Impact on Local Community
Relocation of SmTSTW to Caverns Feasibility Study
Drainage Services Department launched the "Relocation of Sham Tseng Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns – Feasibility Study" (this Study) in December 2014. The overall objective is to examine the detailed engineering feasibility of the associated works; carry out public engagement; and study the possible uses of the released site.