1. Will the relocation cause any impact to the surrounding environment?

Under this feasibility study, technical assessments was carried out to investigate potential impacts to the surrounding environment such as odour, environmental, traffic, drainage and geotechnical. Appropriate mitigation measures were proposed to minimize environmental impacts.


2. Will the relocated Sham Tseng Treatment Works cause any odour issue to the nearby community?

Desludging and associated facilities of the sewage treatment works will be located within the cavern, making sure that the odour will be fully enclosed. Controlled measures will also be in place to closely monitor related facilities which will be under regular maintenance. In addition, all sludge carrying vehicles will be equipped with enclosed containers, which will be cleaned and dried before leaving the cavern, to avoid the release of odour.


3. Will the relocation proposal cause any impact to the traffic network nearby?

Preliminary traffic impact assessment showed that major roads and junctions could handle the traffic flow derived from construction and the future development. Proper mitigation measures will be adopted if there is a need. When we plan the land use of the released land, further studies will also be taken place to assess the traffic capacity nearby.


4. How to manage the construction and demolition materials generated from the relocation?

Effective management plan will be implemented to properly manage the construction and demolition materials. Excavated rocks may also be used as construction materials for concrete production or pavement materials.


5. What will be the future land use of the released land of the relocated Sham Tseng Sewage Treatment Works?

Land use of the released land will undergo detailed investigation. Taking technical assessments, planning considerations and expert opinions into consideration, a land use proposal will be formulated for public consultation to collect views for optimising relevant proposal.


6. What is the purpose of the Public Engagement activities of the relocation of Sham Tseng Sewage Treatment Works? How can the public express their views?

We wish to collect public opinions on the relocation and proposed land use of the released land, further optimising the relevant planning design. During the Public Engagement (PE), more project information will be available to public through different PE materials. Public can attend roving exhibitions or community workshops, etc, to express their views. They are also welcome to express their opinions via mail, fax or e-mail.


E-mail: enquiry@smtstwincaverns.hk

Tel: (852) 3142 2256

Fax: (852) 3104 6420

Post: Drainage Services Department/ Cavern Projects Division,

44/F Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

(Please specify "Relocation of Sham Tseng Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns - Feasibility Study")

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