Benefits of Relocating STW to Caverns

Improve the Environment

  • By locating majority of the sewage treatment facilities inside caverns can integrate better with the surrounding environment.
  • Since the STW would operate inside the cavern, most of the gas and noise generated during operation would be contained within the enclosed area. The air and noise impacts are therefore under control.

Enhance Service Quality

  • Minimise footprint and enhance operational efficiency.
  • The sewage treatment process will be reviewed according to the latest environmental requirements and construction constraints.
  • Upgrade ageing facilities and prepare for future growth in population

Sustainable Development

  • The prime waterfront site currently occupied by the existing SmTSTW could be released for other developments.
  • Opportunity to introduce a land use on the Released Site that is more compatible with the surrounding environment.

Preliminary Technical and Impact Assessments

Preliminary technical assessments on different aspects have been carried out to study the impacts arising from the relocation works.

No Adverse Traffic Impact

Based on the interim results from the preliminary traffic impact assessment, no adverse traffic impact will be arising from the relocation works.

No Adverse Environmental Impact

Based on the interim results from the preliminary environmental study, the relocation works will not cause any adverse environmental impact.

Suitable Geology for Cavern Development

The results of the preliminary assessment on the geology of the proposed relocation site shows it is suitable for cavern development.

No Adverse Air Quality Impact to the Surroundings

Air quality impact assessment have been conducted as part of the preliminary environmental study to confirm that there will be no adverse air quality impact to the surroundings.

Will Not Affect the Existing Sewerage System

The existing sewerage system and connections, as well as sewage treatment will continue to operate throughout the relocation works.

Construction Arrangement

The relocation works will be carefully designed and phased with a detailed plan to minimise various impacts to the existing community.

Preliminary Technical and Impact Assessments

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