Publicity & Publications

The Project Newsletters

Issue 1
(July 2008)
Issue 2
(January 2009)
Issue 3
(July 2009)
Issue 4
(January 2010)
Issue 5
(July 2010)
Issue 6
(Jan 2011)
Issue 7
(July 2011)
Issue 8
(April 2012)
Last Issue


Promotion - Project Exhibitions

  • To promote the Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel Construction Project, exhibitions had been organised by Drainage Services Department regularly. Previous exhibitions had been held at the Hong Kong Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition Gallery and the Exhibition Gallery at L3 of the Cyberport
An exhibition was held at the Hong Kong Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition Gallery at Central Exhibits displayed at the Hong Kong Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition Gallery An exhibition was held at the Exhibition Gallery at L3 of the Cyberport
Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works Open Day An exhibition was held at Stanley Plaza


Promotion - Outreach Programme

  • We had visited schools regularly to explain to the students about the drainage projects being implemented in Hong Kong Island.


Project Video - The Project

Project Video 1 (30 sec) Project Video 2 (3 mins) Project Video 3 (10 mins)
Please click to download (1MB, wmv) Please click to download (10MB, wmv) Please click to download (27MB, wmv)
Project Video 4 (30 sec) Project Video 5 (4 mins) Project Video 6 (7 mins)
Please click to download (4MB, wmv) Please click to download (26MB, wmv) Please click to download (46MB, wmv)
Project Video 7 (12mins)    
Please click to download (30MB, wmv)    


Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel Project - TBM Launching Ceremony

  • Tunnel Boring Machine Launching Ceremony for the Western and Eastern Portals were held on 6 March and 20 May 2009 respectively. We are honored to have the then Chairpersons of Wan Chai, Southern and Central & Western District Councils be the officiating guests. Their participation in this event realises the spirit of flood prevention.


Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel Project - Tunnel Breakthrough Ceremony

  • Tunnel Breakthrough Ceremony for the Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel was held on 17 February 2011. We are honored to have the then Secretary for Development, the then Director of Drainage Services, the then Chairpersons of Wan Chai, Southern and Central & Western District Councils be the officiating guests.


Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel Project - The Commissioning Ceremony

  • The Commissioning Ceremony for Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel had already been held at Eastern Portal on 22 August 2012. We are honored to have Mrs. Carrie Lam, the then Chief Secretary of Administration, be the guest of honor. Other officiating guests at today's ceremony included the then Secretary for Development, Mr. Paul Chan, the then Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr. Wai Chi-sing; the then Director of Drainage Services, Mr. Chan Chi-chiu; the then Chairman of the Wan Chai District Council, Mr. Suen Kai-cheong; the then Chairman of the Central and Western District Council, Mr. Yip Wing-shing; and the then Vice-Chairman of the Southern District Council, Mr. Chan Fu-ming.


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