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Caring for Our Staff

Staff Safety and Health

In parallel with providing staff with training and development opportunities, we strive to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for the entire workforce. We obtained the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification in as early as 2012, and have set up a Safety Steering Group to oversee and coordinate the occupational safety and health (OSH) affairs of the Department, ensuring that OSH risks are eliminated or effectively controlled.

We have also established a number of monitoring committees, namely, the Electrical and Mechanical Branch Safety Management Committee, the Sewage Treatment Works Safety and Health Management Committee, and the Direct Labour Force Safety Management Committee. They are all composed of DSD staff from various disciplines and grades who account for about 3% of the entire staff establishment. Meetings are held regularly to discuss and review OSH-related issues and measures. In 2017-18, there were 5 work injury cases and 20 accident cases.

Staff injuries#

Staff injuries
# Staff injury cases refer to cases of occupational injuries reported under Employee's Compensation Ordinance, resulting in death or incapacity for work over 3 days.

Number of non-fatal accidents

Number of non-fatal accidents

OSH Promotional Activities

To foster a culture of work safety within the Department, we actively organise and participate in OSH promotional campaigns. The activities we took part in 2017-18 are listed below:

  • 31 DSD projects participated in the 24th Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme held by the Development Bureau
  • 37 projects participated in the Construction Sites Housekeeping Award Scheme 2017 organised by DSD
  • Two safety talks were organised for DSD colleagues, resident site staff of consultants and representatives of contractors

Representatives of the winning contract teams pictured at the award ceremony for the 24th Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme