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Stakeholder Engagement Activities

Exchange with the Industry and Education Sector

DSD highly values the interaction and exchanges with the industry. During the year, apart from hosting the Research & Development (R&D) Forum 2017 (For details see Chapter Four ― Highlights of the Year), we took the initiative to share the Department’s work with local academics, professionals, industry representatives, other stakeholders and government departments through R&D tea gatherings and seminars. In addition, we received visitors from community groups and schools touring our facilities where we briefed them on the operation of various DSD divisions.

Technical Exchange

DSD Research & Development Tea Gathering 2017

On 6 April 2017, the “DSD R&D Tea Gathering 2017” was held at the HVUSSS site. The event was attended by invitation by 40 academics from 11 universities and research institutes.

Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung, Director of Drainage Services, led the academics around the HVUSSS facilities and shared with them the Department’s current and future goals of research and development initiatives. Our colleagues also exchanged with the academics on the latest stormwater management and sewage treatment techniques and their applications. The event enabled DSD and the academics to understand each other’s work better and paved the way for future collaboration.


Group photo of Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung, Director of Drainage Services, Mr. MAK Ka-wai, Deputy Director of Drainage Services, DSD colleagues and the academics

Beijing-Hong Kong Cooperation Water Forum

On 28 November 2017, the 21st Beijing Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Symposium was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. In the afternoon of the event day, we co-organised a forum regarding the topic of water with the Beijing Water Authority, Development Bureau, Water Supplies Department and Environmental Protection Department to exchange the experience between Beijing and Hong Kong in water supply, flood prevention and sewage treatment policies.

Guests included Mr JIN Shu-dong, Secretary of Beijing Water Authority, Mr HON Chi-keung, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr Elvis AU Wai-kwong, Deputy Director of Environmental Protection, and Mr CHAN Chung-kun, Assistant Director of Water Supplies, Mr Edwin TONG Ka-hung, Director of Drainage Services and Mr MAK Ka-wai, Deputy Director of Drainage Services,. On the same day, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Beijing Water Authority and DSD on the target, scope, and means of future and communication mechanism, etc. The agreement laid a solid foundation for future collaboration between Beijing and Hong Kong in flood prevention and sewage treatment.


Mr. JIN Shu-dong, Secretary of Beijing Water Authority (left), and Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung, Director of Drainage Services (right), signing the cooperation agreement

Educational Visits and Outreach

In active support of the learning areas of Liberal Studies in Hong Kong, we organise educational outreach activities regularly for local primary and secondary school students. We hope that through this flexible teaching approach, students can learn more about issues such as climate change, environmental protection and cherishing water resources.

Group Visits

During the year, we received about 11,000 visitors from primary and secondary schools as well as various mainland and overseas organisations. Tours were arranged to our facilities, including Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works, Lai Chi Kok Drainage Tunnel, Shatin Sewage Treatment Works and the engineered wetland of Yuen Long Bypass Floodway, etc.

Primary school students visiting Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works

Primary school students visiting Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works

Primary school students visiting Lai Chi Kok Drainage Tunnel

Primary school students visiting Lai Chi Kok Drainage Tunnel

Secondary school students visiting Shatin Sewage Treatment Works

University students visiting the engineered wetland of Yuen Long Bypass Floodway

Educational Outreach

During the year, we conducted educational outreach programmes at 15 schools, to explain the sewage treatment and discharge, as well as flood prevention in Hong Kong. We also presented the DSD’s daily operations.

Educational outreach programme at a local school

Educational outreach programme at a local school