Verification Statement

Scope of Verification

Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) has been engaged by Drainage Services Department (DSD) to undertake an independent verification for its Sustainability Report 2018-2019 (Refer to as “The Report”) which was prepared in accordance with the Core Option of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards (“the GRI Standards”). The Report states DSD's commitments, efforts and progress of performance towards sustainability. The scope of HKQAA's verification covers the data and information associating with DSD’s sustainability performance for the reporting period between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019.

Level of Assurance and Methodology

The process applied in this verification was based on international standards. Our evidence gathering process was designed to obtain a reasonable level of assurance as set out in the standards for the purpose of devising the verification conclusion and the extent of this verification process undertaken was provided for the core aspects of the GRI Standards.

In order to understand the process that DSD adopted to ascertain the key sustainability issues and impacts, the Report compilation process was discussed including stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment processes. System and process for collecting, collating and reporting sustainability performance data were also verified. Our verification procedure performed covered reviewing of relevant documentation, interviewing responsible personnel with accountability for preparing the reporting contents and verifying the selected representative samples of data and information. Raw data and supporting evidence of the selected samples were also thoroughly examined during the verification process.


DSD is responsible for the collection and preparation of the information presented. HKQAA does not involve in calculating, compiling, or development of the Report. Our verification activities are independent from DSD.


On the basis of our verification results and in accordance with the verification procedures, it is the opinion of the HKQAA's verification team that:

  • The Report illustrates the sustainability performance of DSD’s material topics in a balanced, comparable, clear and timely manner; and

  • The data and information disclosed in the Report are reliable and complete; and

  • The Report is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards (Core option).

In conclusion, the Report reflects truthfully the sustainability commitments, policies and performance of DSD and discloses transparently the sustainability performance of the department that is commensurate with its sustainability context and materiality.

Signed on behalf of Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
Jorine Tam

Jorine Tam
Director, Corporate Business
January 2020

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