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About this Report

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) presents here its Sustainability Report 2018-19 (“this Report”) to our stakeholders on the work progress and achievements of DSD, the economic, environmental and social aspects, in the past year. We strongly believe that a highly transparent report can provide various stakeholders with a better understanding of our work and our impacts on the environment, society and the economy; at the same time, it allows us to share our vision and aspirations in sustainable development with our stakeholders, and encourages them to contribute more inspiring ideas to drive our sustainability performance.

Kowloon City No.1 Sewage Pumping Station

Kowloon City No.1 Sewage Pumping Station

Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works

Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works

Kai Tak River

Kai Tak River

Report Profile

This Report, titled “Co-use • Re-use • Innovation”, evokes the sustainability performance of DSD2 in terms of our economic, environmental and social ethos from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 (“Reporting Period”) or during the fiscal year 2018-191. Unless otherwise stated, this Report covers DSD’s offices and facilities, and the operations of our major consultants and contractors3.

This Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. An independent accreditation agency has verified the accuracy, reliability and credibility of the Report, assuring that its contents comply with the requirements in the corresponding standards. The verification statement can be found on page 169-170. In addition, the Report was under taken GRI Materiality Disclosures Service, which reflect that the GRI content index is clearly presented and the references for disclosures 102-40 to 102-49 are aligned with appropriate sections in the body of the Report.

The Report is available online in web-based HTML, PDF and text-only versions in three languages (English, traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese). An executive summary of the Report is also available with online and printed versions.

We welcome comments and suggestions from stakeholders on the report content, report approach as well as our sustainability performance, for they could help enhance the quality of our report and the relevance of our disclosure continuously. Kindly complete and return the feedback form appended to the Report to us by email, fax and mail.

1 102-50
2 102-45
3 102-46