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Home | Director's Statement | About this Report | The Highlights of 25th Anniversary | Governance Approach | Our Core Responsibilities | Managing the Environment | Stakeholder Engagement Activities | Joining Hands with Working Partners | Care for Our Staff |
Over the years, we have arranged various training for our staff not only to develop their strengths and careers but also contribute to the community as much as possible. Meanwhile, we have endeavoured to provide a safe working environment and various recreations for the sake of staff health.
We are well aware that the sustainable development of DSD hinges on staff training. In 2014-15, we held a total of 618 training activities, including induction courses, internal training, duty visits, overseas conferences, etc. to enhance staff competence.
Total training hours 57,600, Average number of training hours 31.8 much higher than that of the territory-wide average of 17.5
Average Number of Training Hours per Staff
We attach great importance to OSH and arrange proper training for our staff on a regular basis, enabling them to complete the work safely and effectively. To safeguard the health and safety of our staff, we have formed a number of supervisory committees, which convented regular meetings to review the existing OSH management systems for continuous improvement.
In 2012, DSD obtained the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification
Recorded 0.13 reportable accident per 100,000 man-hours worked during 2014-15, meeting the target of keeping the rate under 0.6 reportable accident per 100,000 man-hours worked
Since its inception, our Staff Club has annually organised a wide variety of activities for our staff to relax and reinforce their team spirit.
Dragon Boat Race
Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2015
Annual Dinner
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Home | Director's Statement | About this Report | The Highlights of 25th Anniversary | Governance Approach | Our Core Responsibilities | Managing the Environment | Stakeholder Engagement Activities | Joining Hands with Working Partners | Care for Our Staff |
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