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Drainage Services Department - Sustainability Report 2012-2013

Meeting the Targets / On Social Issues

[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Independent Assurance Opinion Statements] [Feedback] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]

Sub-sections in Meeting the Targets

[Staff Training and Development] [On Social Issues] [Our Routine Services]


On Social Issues

Social Targets 2012-13 End-year Achievements
Minimising accident rate for DSD staff Target Met
Accident rate for DSD staff should be not more than 10 occupational injuries per 1,000 staff per year 6.6 occupational injuries per 1,000 staff per year
Minimising the accident rate in DSD contracts Target Met
Accident rate in DSD contracts should be less than 0.6 reportable accident per 100,000 man-hours worked 0.19 reportable accident per 100,000 man-hours worked
Social Targets 2013-14
Minimising accident rate for our staff
Accident rate for our staff should be not more than 10 occupational injuries per 1,000 staff per year
Minimising the accident rate in DSD's contracts
Accident rate in DSD's contracts should be less than 0.6 reportable accident per 100,000 man-hours worked
Maintaining safety and health awareness of professional technical and site supervisory staff, consultants and contractors with in-house briefing
At least two in-house workshops on safety and health should be organised
Promoting the awareness on safety and health amongst contractors
At least 80 per cent of DSD eligible new works contracts and 30 per cent of eligible maintenance term contracts would participate in Development Bureau Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme (CCSAS)


[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Independent Assurance Opinion Statements] [Feedback] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]

Home | Director's Statement | About the Report | The Year's Highlights | Governance Approach |
Our Core Responsibilities | Managing the Environment | Engaging the Community | Collaboration with Working Partners | Operation Efficiency | Caring Our Staff | Meeting the Targets |

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