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Drainage Services Department - Sustainability Report 2012-2013

Managing the Environment / Resources Conservation

[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Independent Assurance Opinion Statements] [Feedback] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]

Sub-sections in Managing the Environment

[Overview of Flood Prevention] [Energy Management and Emission Control] [Resources Conservation] [Green Procurement and Green Office] [Odour Management]


[highlight5.gif] 560,000 No. of Shrubs Planted

Green Procurement and Green Office

To support green procurement, the Government expanded the list of green products commonly used by bureaux and departments in 2011. Particularly, all bureaux and departments are encouraged, as far as feasible and where economically rational, to preferentially purchase products with green specifications and avoid one-off disposable items. Our Department has actively supported the Government's initiatives on green procurement. We have purchased a wide variety of products following the green procurement specification in 2012-13, ranging from electrical appliances such as computers, copying machines, printers, electric fans and refrigerators to office consumables including recycled paper, correction tapes, pencils, rechargeable batteries, toilet paper and garbage bags.

Setting the office temperature at 25.5 degree Celsius
Recycling bins in the office

Over the years, we have implemented a number of energy saving measures in our office. These include setting the room temperature at 25.5 degree Celsius, de-lamping unnecessary lights, installing timers to switch off common office equipment after office hours. To keep our office green, we have adopted the principles of waste reduction and resource conservation. In addition to implementing guidelines on reducing the use of paper, we encourage our staff to reuse envelopes. We have also set up recycling stations to collect cartridge toners, rechargeable batteries, papers, plastic and metal containers. To further raise the awareness amongst our staff, we have regularly disseminated green tips and conducted environmental inspections in our workplace.

With the fast development of wireless communication technology, we have introduced a "paperless meeting" system, using electronic gadgets such as tablet computers and notebooks for presentations and discussions. About 252 paperless meetings were conducted in 2012-13 with 1,900- plus e-documents circulated and viewed through this system. Together with other green measures such as electronic circulation and doublesided printing, paper consumption has continued to drop since 2009-10. Paper usage in 2012-13 was about 11,000 reams, a 21 per cent reduction compared to 2009-10.


De-lamping to reduce unnecessary lighting

Paper Consumption


2008-09 used 13296 ream, 2009-10 used 14014 ream, 2010-11 used 12996 ream, 2011-12 used 11870 ream, 2012-13 used 11054 ream


[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Independent Assurance Opinion Statements] [Feedback] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]

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Our Core Responsibilities | Managing the Environment | Engaging the Community | Collaboration with Working Partners | Operation Efficiency | Caring Our Staff | Meeting the Targets |

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