Benefits of Relocating SKSTW to Caverns

Enhance Our Community and Environment Support Sustainable Development

Improve the Environment

  • Major facilities are hidden inside caverns, integrating with the surrounding environment
  • Caverns serving as natural barriers, together with appropriate odour control measures, will effectively resolve the odour issue

Enhance Service Quality

  • Upgrade sewage treatment facilities and adopt advanced sewage treatment system
  • Minimize the footprint and enhance operational efficiency

Prepare for the future

  • Long term planning for the aging SKSTW
  • Different scale of rehabilitation will still be required for the existing facilities if SKSTW is not relocated

Maintain the Effluent Quality

  • Preview the current effluent standards and maintain the effluent quality for future treatment capacity upgrading works to meet EPD's requirement.

Enhance the Community

  • Work with CEDD's nearby reclamation project to develop new land resources and achieve an integrated development by considering community needs
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