Stakeholder engagement is an essential process for DSD to promulgate updates of our services and new developments to our stakeholders. It is also an effective way to collect our stakeholders’ views for improving our services. In 2013-14, we have organised a wide range of stakeholder engagement activities.
Public Engagement Activities of DSD Projects
DSD believes that effective communications with stakeholders is vital to the successful delivery of our projects and the highlights of 2013-14 are as follows.
Feasibility Study on Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns
To intensify the public’s understanding of sewage treatment works in caverns and the relocation project, we adopted an innovative ”Experiential, Multi-platform and Iconic” approach in conducting various public engagement activities. The Stage 2 public engagement exercise was conducted from July to October 2013.
Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme
We conducted the second stakeholder engagement workshop of HVUSSS on 6 December 2013. A number of key stakeholders, including members from Wan Chai District Council, Hong Kong Jockey Club and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, attended the workshop and paid a visit to the site works.
Kai Tak River Improvement Works
Since commencement of construction works in 2011, we have maintained close dialogues with the stakeholders, including Wong Tai Sin District Council, the schools and residents in the vicinity, with a view to understanding their concerns and minimising the nuisance to the locals.
Village Sewerage Projects
During planning stage of village sewerage projects, DSD and the Environmental Protection Department carry out consultation with the relevant District Councils, Rural Committees, Village Representatives and local villagers. Upon works completion, we will brief the house owners on the connection works to the public sewerage.
Other Stakeholder Engagement Activities
The Community
The Media
District Councils
Government Officials, Tertiary Institutions and Practitioners in the industry
DSD’s Research & Development Forum 2013 was held to foster the collaboration amongst the government, tertiary institutions and practitioners. This year’s four sessions have covered “sustainable drainage”, “new engineering contract”, “greening” and “wastewater treatment”.
Green Groups
Voluntary Services and Charity Activities
Apart from work, DSD staff actively participate in voluntary services and charity activities to contribute to the well-being of the society. In 2013-14, DSD’s Volunteer Team has contributed over 800 hours in 21 voluntary services.