DSD is one of the works departments under the Development Bureau (DEVB) of the Government of the HKSAR. DSD has been established since 1989 to manage both stormwater and wastewater, and we have 1,862 numbers of staff establishment as at end March 2014.
Vision, Mission and Values

To provide world-class wastewater and stormwater drainage services enabling the sustainable development of Hong Kong
- Improving drainage services in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner
- Enhancing a caring, harmonious, safe and healthy work environment that fosters staff development and a mindset for change
- Strengthening relationships with community, industry and worldwide counterparts
- Customer Satisfaction
- Quality
- Commitment
- Teamwork
Governance Structure
DSD's Senior Management

1. Director of Drainage Services: Mr. Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah
2. Deputy Director of Drainage Services: Mr. TSUI Wai
3. Assistant Director/Operations and Maintenance: Mr. MAK Ka-wai
4. Assistant Director/Sewage Services: Mr. CHAN Pak-keung
5. Assistant Director/Electrical and Mechanical: Mr. SHE Siu-kuen
6. Assistant Director/Projects and Development: Mr. CHENG Hung-leung
7. Departmental Secretary: Mr. Tony WONG Kau-nin
Management Approach
To continuously improve our sustainability performance, DSD has explored and made reference to applicable international standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 over the years to strengthen its management practice. Moreover, we are evaluating the possibility of implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management System in our sewerage facilities to identify opportunities in saving energy.
Addressing Key Issues Identified by Stakeholders
We believe it is important to listen to stakeholders’ views and take account of their expectations on DSD. We have hence actively engaged six stakeholder groups to collect their views on our sustainability performance as well as the importance and relevance of various sustainability issues related to DSD.
Stakeholder Group | Engagement Approach |
Public | Questionnaire |
Staff | Questionnaire |
Academia | Questionnaire |
Green Groups | Questionnaire and Focus Group Meeting |
Consultants | Questionnaire and Focus Group Meeting |
Contractors | Questionnaire and Focus Group Meeting |