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Drainage Services Department - Sustainability Report 2013-2014

Key Statistics and Data

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Environmental Performance

Electricity Consumption

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Total electricity consumption by DSD (1) million kWh 241 240 239 240 247
Total energy consumption equivalent to electricity consumption by DSD GJ 867,600 864,000 860,400 864,000 890,244
Total CO2 emission equivalent to total electricity consumption by DSD (2) Tonnes CO2e 168,700 168,000 167,300 168,000 173,103
Average electricity consumption per unit volume of sewage treated kWh 0.2451 0.2431 0.2426 0.2388 0.2409
Volume of biogas generated from sewage treatment works million m3 10 9 10 10 9
  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Electricity consumption outside of the organization (e.g. energy used by DSD’s contractors) million kWh Figures not available 38.32
Total fuel consumption by contract cars (excluding DSD's pool cars) Litre Figures not available 398,325
Total CO2 emission equivalent to total energy consumption by DSD’s contractors (2) Tonnes CO2e Figures not available 34,689
(1) The total electricity consumption in 2009/10 did not include the office at Western Magistracy as the data were not available.
(2) Territory wide default GHG emission factors (0.7) were used based on the Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purpose) in Hong Kong issued by the Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR in February 2010.

Water Consumption

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Freshwater consumption at flood prevention and sewage treatment facilities m3 1,724,983 1,790,088 2,092,627 2,078,729 1,709,925
Daily reclaimed water produced at STWs m3 202 1,337 1,349 1,194 1,151
Percentage of water reclaimed % 0.01% 0.07% 0.06% 0.06% 0.07%

Sewage Treatment

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Volume of sewage treated million m3 979 979 981 1,001 1,021
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removed from sewage Tonnes 106,131 126,451 107,057 100,677 109,579
Suspended solids (SS) removed from sewage 144,386 159,265 163,986 146,208 169,792
Nitrogen removed from sewage 5,430 5,317 5,541 5,310 6,067
Dewatered sludge removed from treated sewage 285,759 297,638 301,583 300,965 298,093
Screenings removed from treated sewage 12,583 12,379 12,157 13,334 13,663
Grits removed from treated sewage 4,930 5,090 4,388 4,741 4,903

Fuel Consumption

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Total fuel consumption by DSD's pool cars Litre Figures not available 31,862 26,724
Total fuel consumption by DSD's AM cars Litre 104,170 (4) 96,407 (4) 133,967 130,675 124,278
No. of DSD's pool cars No. Figures not available 12.42 11.30
No. of DSD's AM cars No. 58.40 57.39 53.00 52.10 48.82
Total energy consumption equivalent to total fuel consumption by DSD's pool cars GJ Figures not available 1046.19 877.48
Total energy consumption equivalent to total fuel consumption by DSD's AM cars GJ 3439.85 3183.50 4423.79 4315.08 4103.83
Total GHG emission equivalent to total fuel consumption by DSD's pool cars (3) Tonnes CO2e Figures not available 75.19 63.07
Total GHG emission equivalent to total fuel consumption by DSD's AM cars (3) Tonnes CO2 245.84 227.52 316.16 308.39 336.53
(3) GHG emission factors for mobile combustion are based on the Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purpose) in Hong Kong issued by the Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR in February 2010.
(4) The number of AM cars of Mainland South Division and Mainland North Division were excluded as the records were not available.

Paper Consumption

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Total paper consumption Reams 14,014 12,996 11,870 11,054 10,520
A4 paper consumption Reams 13,396 12,455 11,400 10,696 10,080
A3 paper consumption Reams 618 541 470 358 440
Purchase of A4/A3 paper with recycled content Reams / % of total paper purchased 13,854 / 98.9% 12,921 / 99.4% 11,850 / 99.8% 11,054 / 100% 10,520 / 100%
Waste paper collected kg 17,480 18,539 14,994 11,900 13,284
Paper consumed per staff (By establishment)
(The establishment as at March of each financial year was used (e.g. 1.3.2009, 1.3.2010))
Reams 7.5 7.0 6.4 6.0 5.6

Waste Management

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Construction & demolition materials
C&D waste disposed of to landfills 103 kg 6,529 6,877 7,863 8,525 6,093
C&D waste disposed of to public fill areas 103 kg 275,754 745,234 854,293 765,105 584,018
Recyclable waste collected
Waste paper (5) kg 15,372 14,978 18,679 11,983 13,284
Aluminium cans (6) kg 11.12 12.92 12.94 14.15 14.76
Plastic bottles (6) kg 18.13 27.68 28.53 29.92 27.78
(5) The amount of waste paper collected did not include the project sites.
(6) The amount of aluminium cans and plastic bottles collected did not include the Kowloon Government Offices and Western Magistracy as the data were not available.

Environmental Convictions of Contractors

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Convictions No. 2 0 1 4 2
Monetary value of significant fines HK$ 9,000 0 4,000 56,000 28,000


  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Total number of Trees Planted No. 1,600(7) 1,200 2,500 1,996 2,169
Area of Green Roof Added m2 1,200 1,200 2,900 3,200 4,902
Electricity Generated from Biogas in million kWh 24 25 27 30 26
(7) by end of 2009

Chemicals consumption in CEPT Plants in 2013-14

  Sham Tseng STW Siu Ho Wan STW Stonecutters Island STW
Anionic Polymer (kg) 957 4,896 42,390
Ferric Chloride (ton) 0 674 15,400
Alum solution (ton) 891 0 0

Social Performance


  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Staff Establishment No. 1,859 1,847 1,845 1,856 1,862
Directorate No. 18 18 18 18 18
Professional No. 276 280 283 292 292
Technical & Site Supervisory No. 805 808 815 820 827
General & Common Grades No. 542 533 525 525 526
Model Scale I No. 218 208 204 201 199
No. of training courses (including internal and external seminars/ workshops/ training courses/ visits) No. 323 219 256 278 584 (8)
Numbers of trainees No. 6,009 6,745 6,978 9,848 6,574
Training hours received Hours 43,285 42,793 44,369 52,597 54,517
Average training hours per staff Hours 23.3 23.2 24.0 28.3 31.6
Total expenditure on training (including internal and external seminars/ workshops/ training courses/ visits) HK$ 2,888,974 3,394,224 4,306,329 4,756,800 3,856,237
Staff injury cases (9) No. 11 24 14 12 10
No. of sick leave for officers injured on duty Days 313 921.5 920.5 1,237 603 (10)
(8) It includes training courses held by CSTDI and staff-initiated external courses.
(9) The definition of staff injury cases is the reported cases of occupational injuries, under Employee’s Compensation Ordinance, resulting in death or incapacity for work over 3 days.
(10) The number includes sick leave days granted in 2012/13 but enjoyed in 2013/14.

Staff Breakdown (2013-14)

  Unit 2013-14 By Strength
No. of Staff No. 1,727
By Post
Directorate % 1.04
Professional % 16.91
Technical & site supervisory % 46.21
General & common grades % 27.10
Model scale I % 8.74
By Employment Type
Full-time % 100
Part-time % 0
By Employment Contract
Permanent (male) % 84.02
Permanent (female) % 15.98
By Age
Age 20-29 % 4.86
Age 30-39 % 20.44
Age 40-49 % 26.23
Age 50-59 % 47.66
Age 60 or above % 0.81
By Ethnicity
Local % 100
Non-local % 0
By Gender
Male % 84.02
Female % 15.98

Senior Management Breakdown (2013-14)

  Unit 2013-14 By Strength
No. of Staff No. 7
By Age
Age 20-29 % 0
Age 30-39 % 0
Age 40-49 % 0
Age 50-59 % 100
Age 60 or above % 0
By Ethnicity
Local % 100
Non-local % 0
By Gender
Male % 100
Female % 0

Training Hours Breakdown (2013-14) (11)

Type of Staff No. of Staff Training Hours Received(Hours) Training Hours Per Staff(Hours)
Directorate Staff 18 2,043 113.48
Professional Grade Staff 292 25,032 85.73
Technical, Site Supervisory and General Grade Staff 1,417 27,442 19.37
(11) As there is no distinct requirement regarding receiving training in terms of gender, therefore we do not report the data broken down by gender.

Staff Turnover (2013-14) (12)

  Unit Male Female
Age 20-29 No. 0 1
Age 30-39 No. 1 0
Age 40-49 No. 1 1
Age 50-59 No. 10 4
Age 60 or above No. 49 5
(12) The staff turnover figures exclude those General/Common Grades’ staff on inter-department transfer.

New Employee Hires (2013-14) (13)

  Unit Male Female
Total no. of New Employee Hires No. 108 33
By Age
Age 20-29 No. 43 16
Age 30-39 No. 54 13
Age 40-49 No. 9 2
Age 50-59 No. 2 2
Age 60 or above No. 0 0
(13) The above figures involve staff (position as at 31 March 2014) with their 1st appointment date falling within the period from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.

Accident Rate

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Number of fatalities
Total no. of fatalities No. 0 0 1 0 2
Construction and maintenance works carried out directly by DSD's staff No. 0 0 0 0 0
Construction and maintenance works undertaken by DSD's contractors No. 0 0 1 (Male) 0 2 (Male)
Fatal accident rate per 100,000 man-hours
Construction and maintenance works carried out directly by DSD's staff - 0 0 0 0 0
Construction and maintenance works undertaken by DSD's contractors - 0 0 0.005 0 0.012
Number of non-fatal accidents
Construction and maintenance works carried out directly by DSD's staff No. 11 24 14 12 10
Construction and maintenance works undertaken by DSD's contractors No. 46 59 64 36 33
Non-fatal accident rate per 100,000 man-hours
Construction and maintenance works carried out directly by DSD's staff - 0.16 0.35 0.21 0.18 0.15
Construction and maintenance works undertaken by DSD's contractors - 0.34 0.38 0.34 0.19 0.21

Community Work

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Total number of voluntary work hours carried out by our staff Hours 943.8 230 469 589 800
Number of voluntary projects completed No. 8 10 14 18 21

Charitable Contributions

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Employee fundraising (HK$ thousands) 83 136 133 56 67

Legal Compliance

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Convicted cases of corruption No. 0 0 1 0 1


  Unit 2013-14
Ratio of percentage increase in annual total compensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual to the median percentage increase in annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual) N/A 1:1.54

Economic Performance

Sewage Service Charge Consumption and Payment Statistics

  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Number of water accounts (in thousand) 2,750 2,770 2,800 2,820 2,860
Number of water accounts liable to pay sewage charge (in thousand) 2,550 2,570 2,590 2,610 2,640
Number of Accounts - Trade Effluent Surcharge (TES) (in thousand) 19.8 20.7 21.4 22 23

Number of Enquiries Received for the Past Five Years


Number of Business Reclassification Applications Handled for the Past Five Years


Number of New TES Accounts Identified for the Past Five Years


Water Consumption of Sewered Accounts (528 million m3) - Customers Pattern


Domestic Accounts - Sewage Charge Payment Pattern (HK$/month)


TES Accounts - TES Payment Pattern (HK$/month)


Sewage Charge (HK$875 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type


Note : The figures are provisional only and are subject to endorsement by the Sewage Services Accounts Committee.

Trade Effluent Surcharge (HK$221 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type


Note : The figures are provisional only and are subject to endorsement by the Sewage Services Accounts Committee.

Sewage Charge and Trade Effluent Surcharge (HK$1,096 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type


Note : The figures are provisional only and are subject to endorsement by the Sewage Services Accounts Committee.

  Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Flooding Prevention
Total Number of Flooding Blackspots - 18 16 15 13 11
Sewage Treatment
Coverage of public sewerage (population percentage) - 93% 93% 93% 93% 93%
Total length of sewerage network km 1,622 1,637 1,647 1,683 1,695
Total no. of sewage treatment facilities - 277 284 287 292 293
Volume of Sewage Treated in million m3 979 979 981 1,001 1,021
By Preliminary Treatment in million m3 287 293 286 306 303
By Primary Treatment in million m3 5 4 4 5 5
By Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) in million m3 524 517 525 525 541
By Secondary Treatment in million m3 163 165 166 165 172
By Tertiary Treatment in million m3 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.2 0.15

Written Enquiries Received in 2013-14 by Types


Procurement Practice

  Unit 2013-14
Proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant locations of operation % 98.8%


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Home | Director's Statement | About the Report | The Year's Highlights | Governance Approach |
Our Core Responsibilities | Managing the Environment | Stakeholder Engagement Activities | Working with Supply Chain | Operation Efficiency | Caring Our Staff | Meeting the Targets |

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