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Drainage Services Department - Sustainability Report 2013-2014

Governance Approach / Vision, Mission and Values

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Sub-sections in Governance Approach

[Vision, Mission and Values] [Governance Structure] [Management Approach]


[inhighlight4.png] 1,862 No. of Staff

DSD is one of the works departments under the Development Bureau (DEVB) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR). DSD has been established since 1989 to manage both stormwater and wastewater, and we have 1,862 numbers of staff establishment as at end March 2014. For the upkeep of our quality services, we put great emphasis on staff training and development.

Vision, Mission and Values

To reinforce our commitment to sustainability and highlight DSD’s core values, we have strengthened our “Vision, Mission and Values” since 2007 and make every endeavour to realise them in our daily operation.


To provide world-class wastewater and stormwater drainage services enabling the sustainable development of Hong Kong



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Home | Director's Statement | About the Report | The Year's Highlights | Governance Approach |
Our Core Responsibilities | Managing the Environment | Stakeholder Engagement Activities | Working with Supply Chain | Operation Efficiency | Caring Our Staff | Meeting the Targets |

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