Environmental Goals and Policy
To reaffirm our commitment of providing the community
with the best environmental service, we set the departmental environmental
goals and policy as follows:
1. |
To provide and operate world-class sewerage/drainage systems
and sewage treatment/disposal facilities to fulfil the growing
needs of the local community and to contribute to the sustainable
development of HK. |
2. |
To implement sewerage and sewage treatment/disposal programmes
in a professional manner, in partnership with other Government
establishments including the EPD, and to meet the Water Quality
Objectives for HK waters. |
3. |
To implement drainage and flood protection programmes in a
professional manner, to minimize flooding, and to provide protection
to local inhabitants, property and the environment. |
We are committed to being environmentally conscious
in all our activities and services and endeavor to serve the HK
community with the best of our expertise in safeguarding human health,
protecting and preserving natural ecosystems, thus contributing
to the sustainable development of HK.
We aim to continually improve the quality of our
services, and to alleviate as far as practicable the impact that
our facilities and sewerage and drainage systems impose on the environment
of HK. To meet these objectives, we are committed to:
• |
Adopting state-of-the-art clean technologies and pollution
prevention measures; |
• |
Incorporating environmental considerations, whenever practicable,
into our design, construction and operation in order to prevent
pollution and maximize resource conservation; |
• |
Minimizing and mitigating environmental impacts arising from
the construction and operation of our facilities; and |
• |
Complying with legal and any other requirements to which DSD
subscribes. |
We ensure that our Environmental Policy is communicated
to all staff, our consultants and contractors, and is open to public
scrutiny. Our staff are committed to upholding this departmental
policy and receive the necessary training and resources to enable
its implementation.

Environmental Functions and Activities
From a macro perspective, virtually all our work
and activities are crucial to the well being of the HK community
as they contribute towards an inhabitable environment in which people
are protected from major flooding and all wastewater is properly
conveyed, treated and disposed of. Significant direct and indirect
environmental benefits can be derived from a better-preserved environment
with less pollution. Nonetheless, during the construction phase,
the public may encounter temporary adversities such as construction
noise, odour and visual impacts etc. Furthermore, after construction,
the day-to-day operation/maintenance of our sewerage/drainage system
and treatment works would inevitably continue to exert a multitude
of adverse impacts that must be alleviated.
Environmental Performance
and Improvement Targets
Although many aspects of our work have environment
implications, not all of them can be quantified easily or will necessarily
be reported here. For instance, those intangible benefits that the
presence and functioning of our sewerage/drainage systems and treatment
facilities brings to the environment cannot practically be measured.
On the other hand, some tangible benefits consequential to our treatment
and disposal efforts were reported separately in the environmental
report of EPD and will not be duplicated here. In any case, to reveal
our environmental performance, a usable indicator would be the measured
effluent quality of our 58 treatment plants (including 24 preliminary,
2 primary, 1 CEPT and 31 secondary plants) operated by us. As shown
in Figure 4.1, the average effluent qualities of our CEPT and major
secondary treatment works in 2001 were very close to 100% meeting
the discharge requirements. Despite this notable achievement, as
disclosed in our last report, the biological treatment-based Shatin
STW has continued to suffer from overloading problems and occasionally
encountered difficulty in achieving the treatment target. In view
of this, corresponding upgrading works have been initiated and phase
I works are due for completion in 2004.
Figure 4.1 Percentage Compliance in 2001 for CEPT and Secondary Treatment Plants |
To ensure full compliance of our STWs both now
and in future, we continue to implement the following tasks:
• |
expanding our sewerage coverage and upgrading our treatment
capacity as far as economically viable; |
• |
progressively upgrading obsolete and defunct facilities; |
• |
conducting inspections to uncover/remove illegal cross-connections
which cause inflow of wastewater of unacceptable quantity and
strength into our facilities; |
• |
regularly maintaining our plant and equipment to minimize
occurrence of breakdowns; |
• |
devising and implementing Contingency Plans at all of our
facilities; |
• |
working closely with other Government departments, especially
the EPD, and implementing joint initiatives, e.g., the Beach
Pollution Response Plan for responding promptly/effectively
to pollution incidents; and |
• |
undertaking public education initiatives. |
We consider it important to keep the public informed
of the progress on our various programmes initiated for enhancing
environmental performance. Major environmental objectives and targets,
which encompass general management, construction and operation of
the sewerage and drainage systems, as well as green management,
are presented below.
In streamlining general management, we are committed
to establishing and implementing Quality and Environmental Management
Systems (QMS and EMS) progressively throughout the department. The
acquisition of a QMS serves as the building block for an EMS. As
an initial step, our laboratories have acquired HOKLAS accreditation
in the summer of 1999. For the seven divisional ISO 9001 certifications
that we plan to acquire, two have been completed successfully and
on schedule in 2001. For the remaining five as well as the Corporate
Certification, they are expected to be completed by the end of 2002.
Regarding ISO 14001 certification, our Tai Po STW received the first
EMS certification for DSD in February 2001. When more experience
is accrued and resources become available, we hope to extend such
certification progressively to other works of the department. A
summary of the current management initiatives is shown in Table
Objective |
Target |
Progress |
Progressively implementing
QMS and EMS throughout DSD |
To acquire ISO 9000 certification for
the whole department by 2002
On schedule. 2 certifications completed in 2001
and 5 to be completed by 2002 respectively. acquisition of Corporate
Certificate expected by 2002
To acquire ISO 14001 certification
for the Tai Po STW by mid-2001 |
Successful completing of ISO 14001
certification for Tai Po STW in Feb 2001 and ahead of schedule |
Table 4.1 Management initiatives for improving
environmental performance
Regarding enhancement of the sewerage system,
programmes have progressively been initiated and implemented. The
current ones are summarized in Table 4.2 below.
Objective |
Target |
Progress |
Continue to improve the
sewerage system in HK |
Completing the East Kowloon SMP by
Works completed satisfactorily and
on schedule
Completing the North-West Kowloon SMP
by 2003 |
On schedule |
Completing the Tsuen Wan, Tsing Yi
& Kwai Chung SMP by 2005 |
On schedule |
Completing the Central, Western &
Wan Chai West SMP by 2006 |
On schedule |
Completing the Aberdeen, Ap Lei Chau
& Pok Fu Lam SMP by 2006 |
On schedule |
Completing the Tuen Mun SMP by 2007 |
Delay caused by continued villagers'
objection. Programme under review by EPD |
Minimize the number of
recurrent blockage incidence |
Working towards minimizing complaints
received per km of pipe (drain + sewer) to be equivalent to
or below the current rate of 11.8 per km
Meeting target, the rate achieved for
year 2001 is 10.2 per km
Minimize environmental
impacts arising from blocked sewers |
Further improving on our Performance
Pledge (currently 99% success rate) for responding to, and resolving
blockage/complaints |
Meeting target, the success rate achieved
for year 2001 is over 99%
Improve STW operational
performance & levels of treatment |
Completing upgrading works at Shek
Wu Hui STW (adding aeration/final setting tanks, digester and
UV system) by late 2001 |
On schedule and completed in August
Completing upgrading works at Shatin
STW (adding treatment units, UV system and sludge dewatering
plant) by 2009 |
First works contract commenced in early
2001. We anticipate completion of all upgrading works by 2007
Aesthetic improvement including landscaping
at major STWs by 2004 |
On schedule. Several Cat. D items approved
and works commenced this year
On-going review of STW operations to identify ways
to resolve potential overloading problems and to minimize the
occurrence of discharge non-compliance |
On-going. At Shatin STW, new air diffuser and sludge
scraper installed in 2001 to alleviate overloading problem.
Foam removal/suppression facilities added in early 2002 also
as interim measure to improve effluent quality
Reduce energy consumption |
Ensuring our facilities all operate
on appropriate tariff rate by 2000 |
All our facilities are now operating
on appropriate tariff rate
Replacing electric water boiler by
gas boiler using biogas as fuel at Tai Po STW |
On schedule. Works was completed in
Nov 2001, resulting in annual electricity bill saving of $0.3
Replacement of aeration domes at Yuen
Long STW by 2004 to enhance oxygen transfer efficiency and saving
energy in turn |
On schedule
Modification works at Sai Kung STW to resolve sludge
bulking problem and to reduce aeration/energy demand for chemicals |
On schedule and completed in early 2002
Reduce chemical consumption |
Initiating feasibility studies in 2000
to examine alternative disinfection systems at STWs to reduce
the use of chemicals |
On schedule. At Stanley STW, full-scale
trial on multi-points chlorine dosing method was conducted
Conducting a research and development programme
on disinfection techniques to identify energy efficient, clean
and cost-effective technologies |
On schedule. Alternative techniques including ozone,
electrochemical and UV disinfection have been examined. Studies
extended into year 2002
Table 4.2 Sewage system enhancement initiatives
for improving environmental performance
Submerged UV lamps in operation |
Regarding enhancement of the drainage systems,
various programmes have been progressively initiated and implemented.
The current major ones were summarized in Table 4.3 below.
Objective |
Target |
Progress |
Visual enhancement of river training
works, flood protection schemes and drainage channels |
Formalizing inventory and procedures to ensure
the incorporation of environmental features into drainage and
flood protection works by mid-2001 |
On schedule and completed in May 2001
Minimize the number
of flooding black spots |
Reducing the number of flooding black
spots through the implementation of major drainage improvement
projects, including:
• |
rehabilitation works at River Indus (Ng
Tung R.) by end 2001; |
Substantially completed and on schedule
• |
rehabilitation works at River Beas (Sheung
Yue R.) by end 2001; |
Substantially completed and on schedule
• |
main drainage channels for Ngau Tam Mei
phase 1 by mid 2002; |
Completion date delayed to mid 2003 due to inclement weather
plus unsatisfactory contractor performance
• |
phase 1 village flood protection for
Pok Wai & Wang Chau by mid 2002; |
On schedule
• |
main drainage channels for Yuen Long
& Kam Tin stage 2 by end 2002; |
On schedule
• |
village flood protection for Chuk Yuen
Tsuen & Ha San Wai by mid 2003; |
On schedule
• |
West Kowloon drainage improvement works
stage 1 & stage 2 (phase 1) by end 2004: |
On schedule
• |
village flood protection for Yuen Long,
Kam Tin & Ngau Tam Mei stage 1 by end 2004; |
On schedule
• |
Village flood protection for Mai Po Lo
Wai/Mai Po San Tsuen, Ma Tin Tsuen & Shui Pin Wai
by end 2002; |
On schedule
• |
rural drainage rehabilitation scheme
for River Ganges (Ping Yuen R.) by mid 2005; |
On schedule
• |
rural drainage rehabilitation for NWNT
by mid 2005;
On schedule
• |
Yuen Long, Kam Tin, Ngau Tam Mei &
Tin Shui Wai drainage improvement stage 1, phase 1 by
mid 2005;
On schedule
• |
regulation of Shenzhen River stage 3
by mid 2005;
On schedule
• |
eastern main drainage channel for San
Tin by end 2005; and
On schedule
• |
the Yuen Long bypass floodway by end
2005; |
On schedule
Table 4.3 Drainage system enhancement initiatives for improving environmental performance
In green management, we recorded our efforts
in the reduction of energy/paper consumption, reusing/recycling
where possible and the avoidance of wastage etc. in the annual Green
Manager's Report. Further to the general initiatives, noteworthy
targets are highlighted in Table 4.4 below.
Objective |
Target |
Progress |
Enhance the environmental awareness
of the staff |
Reviewing & implementing environmental awareness
and training programmes annually
Recurrent and ad hoc training have been provided
annually to our staffs, e.g. Continuing Professional Development
Course for engineering graduates. Engineers were also sent to
attend courses such as ISO 14001, noise control, ecology &
conservation etc.
Ongoing enhancement of staff awareness to conserve
energy and to avoid wastage |
Through notices and Administrative Circulars,
our staffs were constantly reminded to be environmentally conscious |
Maximize our purchase of Green Products |
Reviewing purchasing policies in 2000 to identify
opportunities for increasing the purchase of Green Products
Chlorine free paper that contain 50% recycled
pulp has been in use since year 2000
Strive to meet HK's objectives on
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) at our premises |
Conducting regular IAQ audits, to ensure satisfactory
air quality continues to be maintained at our premises
IAQ audits conducted once every two years
Monitor the environmental performance
of our contractors |
Close monitoring of contractors through enforcement
of contract terms plus regular appraisal of their performance
On-going. Requirements for contractors were stipulated
in contracts and performances were monitored closely and appraised
quarterly. Poor performance will receive warning and penalty
Enhance the environmental awareness
of the general public |
Exhibition and open day for educational purpose
Exhibition and open day held in January 2002.
Over 700 people visited the Stanley STW. Our professional staff
briefed the visitors the operation of the STW. Positive feedbacks
were received in the questionnaire survey conducted at the open
Table 4.4 Green initiatives for improving environmental
performance |

Stanley sewage treatment works open day |
Environmental Impacts Minimization and Mitigation
Whilst all our activities are geared for serving
the community and would produce beneficial impacts, the construction/operation/maintenance
of our facilities inevitably brings about adverse environmental
effects. They can be visual intrusion, noise or odour as well as
loss of natural habitats etc. To alleviate these potential impacts
of our activities, we have developed mitigating measures as shown
below in Table 4.5.
Environmental Implication |
Activity |
Mitigation Measure |
Visual impact |
Building pumping stations, treatment works &
drainage channels
• |
Designing facilities and channels to blend in with the
environment |
• |
Planting greenery around treatment facilities and flood
protection systems |
• |
Removal of blockages and debris |
Noise impact |
Construction works
• |
Adopting trenchless technology for pipe-laying works |
• |
Shielding construction equipment with acoustic screens
as appropriate |
Facility operation |
• |
Shielding noisy operations with enclosures or acoustic
screens as appropriate |
• |
Using silenced plant & equipment |
• |
Adopting good housekeeping & maintanence measures |
Odour impact |
Facility operation
• |
Enclosing operations as appropriate |
• |
Using deodorizing techniques such as activated carbon,
wet scrubbing and bio-filtering |
• |
Adopting good housekeeping & maintanence measures |
• |
Removal of blockages and debris |
Land-use |
Building pumping station & treatment works
• |
Constructing multi-storeyed buildings as appropriate
to minimize land-use |
Resource use |
Pipe-laying works
• |
Careful selection of lining & material to prolong
pipe longevity including reuse of rock aggregates as piping
support, choosing epoxy resin lining and/or corrosion
suppressant as appropriate |
• |
Preferential use of locally obtainable material to avoid
pollution arising from distant transportation |
Facility operation |
• |
Using energy efficient plant & equipment, such as
those with variable speed drive, to conserve energy |
• |
Exploiting biogas generated by STW where practicable
and using this as a supplementary power source |
• |
Reusing treated effluent where possible to minimize
water consumption |
• |
Using on-line monitoring systems to gauge performance
and ensuring optimal operation |
• |
Adopting volume-reducing techniques to minimize quantity
of sludge to be disposed of at landfills |
Water quality deteriorartion |
Construction & operation of channels and protection
• |
Minimizing the dispersion of waste and nutrients to
the aquatic environment |
• |
Removal of blockages and debris |
Loss and/or impairment of habitat |
Planning through to implementation |
• |
Planting of vegetation to stabilize embankments |
• |
Grasscreting the slopes of drainage channels |
• |
Culturing mangroves |
• |
Reinstating fishponds |
• |
Conserving disused meanders |
• |
Wetland planting to make up for lost habitat |
Table 4.5 Measures to minimize impacts and to
enhance environmental performance
In addition, in compliance with the Environmental
Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), we conduct EIA studies for Designated
Projects to identify and assess any potential impacts that may arise
from our construction and operation activities. Mitigating measures
can therefore be incorporated at an advanced stage into all phases
of design, construction and operation works.
Base line noise monitoring at Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay |
Preventive Maintenance and Emergency Response
Figure 4.2 Number of complaints received per
km of sewer/drain |
To minimize sewer blockage, we carried out frequent
inspections, clearance and maintenance of the sewerage system. To
minimize flooding, we have implemented a preventive maintenance
programme which consists of:
• |
regular inspections of all river channels and drains by visual
observation as well as closed-circuit television; |
• |
regular desilting works and removal of wastes and debris in
river channels and drains; and |
• |
proactive repairing and upgrading of river channels and drains.
To ensure prompt response to any reported blockages
in sewers/drains, a computerized database system has been established
since 1997 that enables us to identify trends of blockages quickly
and to prioritize effective maintenance activities. Figure 4.2 demonstrates
that, notwithstanding increased public awareness in recent years,
the numbers of complaints received per kilometre of sewer and drain
both show a declining trend.
Safety and Health
Our department puts strong emphasis on safety at
work in our sewerage and drainage facilities as well as our construction
sites. The Safety Advisory Unit (SAU) was set up in 1994 to oversee
and regulate all safety matters. This includes: preparing safety
instructions and procedures, conducting safety inspections, compiling
accident investigation reports and accident statistics, and organizing
safety training courses for our staff and the site staff of our
consultants and contractors. As our work adopts numerous types of
construction techniques and equipment applied in widely different
conditions, the risks encountered therefore are equally diverse.
It is important that the information on safety legislation, instructions,
procedures and good work practices that are relevant to our work
are properly consolidated and documented for easy use by our staff.
As such, the preparation of a contemporary departmental Safety Manual
is deemed necessary.
Departmental Safety Manual
Following the changes in safety legislation and other safety requirements,
the first departmental Safety Manual, which was prepared in 1994,
has become obsolete. A new Safety Manual (Version 2002) was published
in March 2002. The Safety Manual incorporates essential information
regarding DSD's safety policy, safety objectives and strategy, safety
legislation, instructions, procedures and work practices that are
relevant to our undertakings. It serves as a comprehensive and handy
guide to safety and health at work for the use of staff employed
by the consultants/contractors engaged in DSD's works contracts
who are responsible for the design, management and supervision of
work, as well as DSD’s own workforce.
Safety Policy
The Safety Policy is the most important constituent of the Safety
Manual. It sets out the commitment of our top management and our
strategy to continuously improve safety and health at work, as well
as the safety responsibilities of DSD's staff and our consultants/
contractors. The Safety Policy also spells out our safety targets
for accident prevention, viz. for operation and maintenance activities
carried out directly by DSD's staff. Our departmental aim is to
eliminate serious accidents and to ensure that the accident frequency
rate is below 10 reportable accidents per 1,000 staff per year.
For construction and maintenance works undertaken by our contractors,
we aim to eliminate fatal accidents and dangerous occurrences, as
well as ensuring that the accident frequency rate is below 1.4 reportable
accidents per 100,000 man-hours worked.
Safety Legislation, Instructions
and Procedures
The Safety Manual lists all the regulations, ordinances, standards
and codes of practice etc. that are relevant to safety and health
at work. It also consists of safety instructions, safety procedures
and good work practices for work on construction sites, sewage treatment
plants, laboratories, offices etc. In addition, the Manual describes
in detail the safety precautionary measures to be taken for outdoor
work, work in adverse weather, work near or over water, work in
confined spaces, work in gas risk areas, work at height, work on
slope, work with electricity, welding work etc. Guidelines on fire
prevention, safe handling of chemicals and hazardous substances,
emergency preparedness, accident reporting etc. are also available
for use of officers who are responsible for DSD's workplaces.
The appendices of the Manual contain lists of safety publications
of various Government Departments and Occupational Safety and Health
Council, safety training courses organized by various training institutes,
accident reporting forms and safety-related circulars in force for
the easy use of the readers.
Use of Manual
It is important that all personnel who are involved in DSD's undertakings
should acquaint themselves with the provisions relevant to the work
that they are responsible for. To this end, officers-in-charge of
DSD's workplaces, namely sewage treatment facilities, pumping stations,
depots, laboratories and offices, should ensure that at least one
copy of this Manual is kept in the workplace and made known to all
staff concerned. Similarly, Engineer's Representatives (ERs) who
are responsible for DSD's works site should ensure that the copy
of the Manual is kept in the site office for use by his/her site
staff and another copy is available for use by staff of the contractor
of the works contract.
The translation of the Safety Manual into Chinese
is currently in progress and the Chinese version is expected to
be available by early 2003. In addition, it is planned to upload
the Safety Manual to DSD's internet web site. With our dedicated
commitment to safety and the concerted effort of every staff, it
is intended that the publication of this Manual will serve as a
comprehensive and useful guide for the up-keeping of the safety
and health at work on all of our undertakings, as well as the promotion
of a safety culture amongst our department, our consultants and
