[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Verification Statement] [Feedback Form] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]
Home | Director’s Statement | About this Report | Sponge City: Adapting to Climate Change | Highlights of the Year | Governance Approach | Our Core Responsibilities | Environmental Management | Care for Our Staff | Media Engagement Activities | Stakeholder Engagement Activities | Meeting the Targets |
[Vision, Mission and Values] [Governance Structure] [Management Approach]
Since its establishment in 1989, DSD has always conducted its work with due consideration of public interest. Guided by the sound corporate governance, we abide by stringent governance principles and establish various committees and management systems to ensure timely optimisation of governance and development strategies. Meanwhile, we also establish a variety of communication channels to collect the opinions from the public to help us excel in service excellence.
DSD's Senior Management
To provide timely response to address the needs of our society, DSD improves its governance approach and services to keep abreast of the times. In view of growing awareness for sustainable development within the Hong Kong community, we renewed our departmental “Vision, Mission and Values” in 2007 to fully demonstrate our aspirations and commitments in this regard.
[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Verification Statement] [Feedback Form] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]
Home | Director’s Statement | About this Report | Sponge City: Adapting to Climate Change | Highlights of the Year | Governance Approach | Our Core Responsibilities | Environmental Management | Care for Our Staff | Media Engagement Activities | Stakeholder Engagement Activities | Meeting the Targets |
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