Energy Saving
In 2008 DSD saved an extra 1.15 million kWh of energy in addition
to the saving of 0.91 million kWh in 2007, and 2.5 million kWh in
2006. These savings were achieved by implementing a number of energy
saving measures, such as the replacement of "fat tube" fluorescent
lamp with T5 lamp, the use of variable speed drive and high efficient
motor for pumping, the adjustment of lighting in plants, and the
additional use of solar energy and biogas. There were five installations
of grid-connected electricity generation using PV panels at sewage
treatment facilities completed in 2008. The estimated annual output
is 101,000kWh, which is equivalent to the reduction in the emission
of 71 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Here for Highlight of 2008 Energy Saving Measures
Gas Emission
Other measures for reducing gas emission include
the use of biogas for recovery of heat and power, the use of hybrid
or environmentally friendly vehicles, the use of ultra low sulphur
diesel, and the turning off of idle engines. In 2008, 6.3 million
cubic meters of biogas were converted to 12 million kWh of heat
and 9.4 million kWh of electricity.
Odour Management
Odour is another emission from sewage collection and treatment that
needs to be addressed. Sewage by its nature is offensive. However,
there are several factors that amplify this odour problem in Hong
Kong. First, new residential area is moving closer and closer to
the sewage treatment facilities when the new town is growing in
size to accommodate more people. Second, a larger town area means
that sewage would stay longer in the collection system before it
reaches the sewage treatment plant. The long detention time together
with the high temperature in the summer months make it an ideal
situation for anaerobic bacteria to grow and produce rotten smell
in the sewage collection system and the sewage treatment works.
DSD tackled the odour problem by increasing the
frequency of pumping, and addition of chemicals in pumping station
to prevent the production of hydrogen sulphide by the anaerobic
bacteria. In our sewage treatment works, we covered the surface
from which odour was generated and purified the air by wet chemical
scrubber, activated carbon or bio-trickling filter deodorization
system. As a result of these measures, the number of complaints
on odour from our facilities reduced by more than 50% in 2008.