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The Drainage Services Department has been working wholeheartedly to address the environmental concerns and to strive for a balance on economic, social, and environmental aspects in delivering our drainage services.

In 2008, we met all the major environmental targets, including energy conservation, chemical conservation, paper consumption reduction, waste recovery and ecological enhancement. Efforts on implementing energy efficiency measures and utilizing renewable energy at our sewage treatment works had reduced energy consumption of 1.15M kWh. We will continue to enhance our services as well as our environmental performance.

On sewerage services, we gained the support of the public to adjust the Sewage Charge rate and the Trade Effluent Surcharge rates starting in 2008 in accordance with the polluter pays principle. We proceeded with the implementation of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A to further improve the harbour water quality by 2014 as pledged in the Policy Address. To bring early improvement to the bacteriological quality of the closed beaches in Tsuen Wan, we advanced the construction of the disinfection facilities under the Scheme aiming at commissioning in late 2009.

On flood protection, we completed the intercepting drains along Queen's Road Central reducing 30% of the surface runoff entering the low-lying Wing Lok Street. This together with the subsequent completion of an underground stormwater pumping station at the waterfront in early 2009 provide the required flood protection to Wing Lok Street and surrounding areas. The pumping station has adopted a half sunken design to reduce the landtake and the adjacent open space will be landscaped to match with the proposed seafront promenade development for the enjoyment of the public. We also consulted District Councils and other stakeholders on how to improve the aesthetic quality of the drainage channel in Yuen Long and Kai Tak.

This report discloses our environmental performance in 2008. We welcome your comments as they would certainly help us improve further on our works. Our email address is


K. K. Lau
Director of Drainage Services

