Staff Training
DSD continues to provide training to staff to refresh and update
their environmental knowledge, and to enhance their environmental
awareness and competency. In 2007 we supported 73 staff to attend
nine training courses on the topics of air pollution control, waste
management, energy conservation, tree preservation, environmental
compliance and other special environmental subjects. To cope with
the development and implementation of ISO 14001 environmental management
systems in DSD, we provided ISO 14001 awareness training courses
for all staff in 2007, and provided additional training to 318 staff
on internal audit relating to ISO 14001.
Community Engagement
DSD maintains effective communications with the external stakeholders
as they provide useful feedback to us to help minimizing the impact
of our operations on the environment. In 2007 we continued to engage
the green groups, academia, professional organizations, District
Council Members, and LegCo members on our projects. Our director
had attended meetings at six District Councils to update members
on our works and listen to their concern on drainage services. A
meet-the-media function was organized to enhance our communications
with the press. Rehabilitation or decking of nullah and odour are
two major concerns of our stakeholders in 2007. Their views provide
us with insight for planning our works to address their expectations.
Additional description on stakeholder engagement activities could
be found in our Annual