To empower our staff to do
our job with environmental awareness and understanding,
we supported 15 training events in 2003 on environmental
knowledge and practices. To
promote environmental awareness amongst staff, good
office practices in saving paper, energy and other resources
are communicated in detail to all levels of staff through
circular memorandum, notice boards and e-mail. It embraces
use of paper, photocopiers, electronic mail, computer
monitor, computer printers, lighting, elevators, air
conditioning, and all relevant office equipment and
practices. Consumption of key indicators such as paper,
electricity and selected stationeries are monitored
on a monthly basis. The Supplies Officer also advocated
Best Practices in procurement and convey it to all staff
through his circular memorandum, which emphasized and
elaborated on the 4R Principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
& Recover) for all staff to achieve Environmental
Goods Purchasing.
We embarked on reduction targets
on paper and power. Engagement to the objectives and
the expectation of successful outcome promote staff
commitment on resource conservation. Environmentally
friendly work attitude and active participation are
instilled by posting notices at prominent places in
the office.