Taiwan Experience of Facing Global Climate Change and Policy Integration


Professor LEE Hong-yuan 李鴻源 (NTU, Taiwan)

Due to the urban expansion and the changing climate, traditional concepts of water management is now inadequate to solve the problem of flooding. The best approach of adaptation and mitigation is holistic water management. This presentation will introduce the cases of Chung-Kang Drainage Cannel reform project, Taipei Metropolitan Central Park and the constructed wetlands in New Taipei City. Objective of this leading project is to improve water quality, to reduce flooding risks, to create a sustainable urban environment, to enhance good life quality, and eventually rebuild the city.

About the Speaker
Prof LEE obtained MS and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from The University of Iowa in 1982 and 1984 respectively. He also has been engaging in expert advice, project implementation and consultancy in the fields of water engineering for many global organizations. In the past thirty years, he devoted himself to the promotion of sustainable development. He possesses international experience of case exploration and management in the areas of water, environment and urban infrastructure constitution.

Prof LEE is sophisticated in the philosophy of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Holistic Water Management. He is also a Professor of Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering of the Department of Civil Engineering at NTU (Taiwan), and Visiting Professor of UNESCO-IHE, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, and Hohai University. Besides, he has been serving as Commissioner of the Water Resources Department of the Taiwan Provincial Government from 1997-1999. His outstanding academic and working experience in the industry is indisputable.