Tri-generation of power, chilled water and hot water from biogas produced in Sewage Treatment Works

Professor YANG Hong-xing 楊洪興 (PolyU)

Biogas generated from local Sewage Water Treatment Works is mainly used for power generation. How to use the biogas energy more effectively is the main concern in this presentation. A tri-generation scheme is proposed to use the biogas for power generation, chilled water production and hot water supply for dramatically increasing the energy utilization efficiency. Chilled water can be supplied to nearby buildings for air-conditioning and hot water can be used for the digestion process and/or supplied to buildings for hot water supply. The feasibility of this tri-generation scheme application in Hong Kong is evaluated from the views of energy use efficiency, primary energy saving and greenhouse gas emission reduction as well as economic benefit. The proposed scenario is compared with conventional scenarios of biogas power generation. It is found that the scheme for tri-generation has higher energy saving and greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials. The new scheme is also more economical than the conventional one.

About the Speaker
Prof. YANG is a professor in Renewable Energy Research Group (RERG) of Building Services Engineering Department at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his PhD degree in 1983 from the University of Wales College of Cardiff, UK. His main research areas are in building energy conservation and renewable energy applications including hybrid energy systems, solar photovoltaic integration in buildings, solar desiccant dehumidification cooling, ground source heat pumps and vertical axis wind turbines. He is now leading the Renewable Energy Research Group (RERG) for investigating a number of advanced renewable energy related issues.