Ir CHAN Chi-chiu, JP
Director of Drainage Services
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

Ir CHAN is a civil engineer by profession. After graduation from the University of Hong Kong in 1976, he worked in the then Highways Office and Drainage Division of the HKSARG for two years, and then continued his engineering career in the Water Supplies Department. He has been involved in the planning, design and construction of new waterworks projects, operation and maintenance of the water supply and distribution system, and the provision of customer services. In 2008, he was transferred to the Civil Engineering and Development Department, taking charge of the planning, management and implementation of development and infrastructure projects in the North and West New Territories. In September 2010, he took up the post of Director of Drainage Services, overseeing all aspects of wastewater and stormwater drainage services, covering capital works for new infrastructure, improvement works to existing assets, operation and maintenance of existing systems and facilities, and collection of sewage services charges. He is currently a Vice President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.