Table I              Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality Monitoring (In-situ Monitoring Parameters)

Parameter (unit)

Monitoring locations

Water Depth

Action Level

Limit Level



All locations

Surface and Middle






Turbidity (NTU)

B14, B10, B11, B12, B13, B7, B8, B9

Depth average

7.6 or 120% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

7.9 or 130% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

WSD5, WSD20, WSD19, WSD18, WSD6, WSD7

10.8 or 120% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

11.7 or 130% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

WSD22, WSD9, WSD17, WSD10, WSD11, WSD15

7.5 or 120% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

9.4 or 130% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

WSD12, WSD13, F1, B24, B25, B26

8.0 or 120% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

8.7 or 130% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day


11.8 or 120% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

11.8 or 130% of upstream control station’s turbidity at the same tide of the same day