Appendix C Baseline Noise Monitoring Results
Location : NM6 Customs' Marine Base 
(Block H of Government Dockyard) Rooftop
Daytime and Evening time 07:00-23:00 hrs 
on General Holidays and Sundays
Date Start Time End Time Noise Level for 5-min, dB(A)     Date Start Time End Time Noise Level for 5-min, dB(A)
  hh:mm hh:mm Leq L10 L90            
9:55 10:00 62.9 67.0 59.5     1949844.6 5011872.3 891250.94   hh:mm hh:mm Leq L10 L90
10:00 10:05 64.4 67.5 60.5     2754228.7 5623413.3 1122018.5   22:30   59.0 60.3 57.5 794328.23 1071519.3 562341.33
10:05 10:10 61.0 62.5 59.0 1258925.4 1778279.4 794328.23     58.6 60.1 57.0 724435.96 1023293 501187.23
22:30 22:35 59.0 60.3 57.5 794328.23 1071519.3 562341.33     59.7 60.2 57.8 933254.3 1047128.5 602559.59
22:35 22:40 58.6 60.1 57.0 724435.96 1023293 501187.23
22:40 22:45 59.7 60.2 57.8 933254.3 1047128.5 602559.59
Average 61.5 64.1 58.7
Min 58.6 60.1 57.0
Max 64.4 67.5 60.5