5.1         The baseline air quality was conducted from 30 September 2011 to 14 October 2011 (suspended on 3 October 2011 due to Typhoon Signal No.3 and adverse weather condition) and the baseline noise monitoring was conducted from 26 September 2011 to 12 October 2011(suspended on 28, 29 September 2011 and 3 October 2011 due to adverse weather condition). The monitoring results were used to establish the ambient air quality and noise levels at the sensitive receiver prior to the construction of the Project.

5.2         The baseline air quality and noise level monitoring were carried out in accordance with the EM&A Manual, in respect of the methodology, equipment, location and monitoring parameters.

5.3         The baseline air quality (1-hour and 24-hour TSP levels) monitoring was conducted at one designated location, AM9. During the monitoring, no major construction work or dust generating activities were undertaken in the vicinity of the monitoring station.  The baseline air quality monitoring results are considered representative to the ambient air quality conditions of the respective sensitive receiver.  The Action and Limit Levels for the air quality were established based on the baseline monitoring results.

5.4         Baseline noise monitoring was conducted at one designated location, NM7. The major noise source at the monitoring station was the traffic noise from the Container Port Road South closed to the site boundary of the Project. The noise measurement data was reviewed and processed. The baseline noise monitoring results are considered representative to the ambient noise level of the sensitive receiver.