
1.1              Cinotech Consultants Limited (Cinotech) was commissioned by China State -ATAL Joint Venture and Leader – JEC Joint Venture (the Contractors) to undertake the baseline odour patrol for the Operational Phase of the “HATS Stage 2A – Upgrading Works at Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works and Preliminary Treatment Works on Hong Kong Island ” (hereafter referred to as “the Project”).


1.2              The Project is part of the scope under the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 2A which is a designated project with Register No. : AEIAR-121/2008. The Environmental Permit (Permit No. EP-322/2008/G), which was issued on 9th May 2014 by the Environmental Protection Department (hereinafter called EPD) to the Drainage Services Department (hereinafter called the DSD) as the Permit Holder.


1.3              According to the EM&A Manual for the HATS Stage 2A, baseline odour patrol for operational phase shall be conducted one year prior to the commissioning of the HATS Stage 2A. All the site boundary of each preliminary treatment works (PTW) and the Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works (SCISTW), along with 23 Air Sensitive Receivers (ASR) in total, were identified as the locations for the odour monitoring.


1.4              The baseline odour patrols were conducted at the 23 ASR locations around the SCISTW, the eight PTWs and at the site boundaries of each facility. The measured results will be served as the baseline data and compared with the result obtained during the impact monitoring period of the Operational Phase.


1.5              This baseline report is prepared by Cinotech to present the methodology, requirements and results of the baseline odour patrol for the Project.